Saturday 29 June 2013

Importance of Data Mining Services in Business

Data mining is used in re-establishment of hidden information of the data of the algorithms. It helps to extract the useful information starting from the data, which can be useful to make practical interpretations for the decision making.
It can be technically defined as automated extraction of hidden information of great databases for the predictive analysis. In other words, it is the retrieval of useful information from large masses of data, which is also presented in an analyzed form for specific decision-making. Although data mining is a relatively new term, the technology is not. It is thus also known as Knowledge discovery in databases since it grip searching for implied information in large databases.
It is primarily used today by companies with a strong customer focus - retail, financial, communication and marketing organizations. It is having lot of importance because of its huge applicability. It is being used increasingly in business applications for understanding and then predicting valuable data, like consumer buying actions and buying tendency, profiles of customers, industry analysis, etc. It is used in several applications like market research, consumer behavior, direct marketing, bioinformatics, genetics, text analysis, e-commerce, customer relationship management and financial services.

However, the use of some advanced technologies makes it a decision making tool as well. It is used in market research, industry research and for competitor analysis. It has applications in major industries like direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, scientific tests, genetics, financial services and utilities.

Data mining consists of major elements:

    Extract and load operation data onto the data store system.
    Store and manage the data in a multidimensional database system.
    Provide data access to business analysts and information technology professionals.
    Analyze the data by application software.
    Present the data in a useful format, such as a graph or table.

The use of data mining in business makes the data more related in application. There are several kinds of data mining: text mining, web mining, relational databases, graphic data mining, audio mining and video mining, which are all used in business intelligence applications. Data mining software is used to analyze consumer data and trends in banking as well as many other industries.


Thursday 27 June 2013

Data Management Services

In recent studies it has been revealed that any business activity has astonishing huge volumes of data, hence the ideas has to be organized well and can be easily gotten when need arises. Timely and accurate solutions are important in facilitating efficiency in any business activity. With the emerging professional outsourcing and data organizing companies nowadays many services are offered that matches the various kinds of managing the data collected and various business activities. This article looks at some of the benefits that accrue of offered by the professional data mining companies.

Entering of data

These kinds of services are quite significant since they help in converting the data that is needed in high ideal and format that is digitized. In internet some of this data can found that is original and handwritten. In printed paper documents and or text are not likely to contain electronic or needed formats. The best example in this context is books that need to be converted to e-books. In insurance companies they also depend on this process in processing the claims of insurance and at the same time apply to the law firms that offer support to analyze and process legal documents.


That is referred to as electronic data. This method is mostly used by clinical researchers and other related organization in medical. The electronic data and capture methods are used in the utilization in managing trials and research. The data mining and data management services are given in upcoming databases for studies. The ideas contained can easily be captured, other services being done and the survey taken.

Data changing

This is the process of converting data found in one format to another. Data extraction process often involves mining data from an existing system, formatting it, cleansing it and can be installed to enhance both availability and retrieving of information easily. Extensive testing and application are the requirements of this process. The service offered by data mining companies includes SGML conversion, XML conversion, CAD conversion, HTML conversion, image conversion.

Managing data service

In this service it involves the conversion of documents. It is where one character of a text may need to be converted to another. If we take an example it is easy to change image, video or audio file formats to other applications of the software that can be played or displayed. In indexing and scanning is where the services are mostly offered.

Data extraction and cleansing

Significant information and sequences from huge databases and websites extraction firms use this kind of service. The data harvested is supposed to be in a productive way and should be cleansed to increase the quality. Both manual and automated data cleansing services are offered by data mining organizations. This helps to ensure that there is accuracy, completeness and integrity of data. Also we keep in mind that data mining is never enough.

Web scraping, data extraction services, web extraction, imaging, catalog conversion, web data mining and others are the other management services offered by data mining organization. If your business organization needs such services here is one that can be of great significance that is web scraping and data mining


Tuesday 25 June 2013

Beneficial Data Collection Services

Internet is becoming the biggest source for information gathering. Varieties of search engines are available over the World Wide Web which helps in searching any kind of information easily and quickly. Every business needs relevant data for their decision making for which market research plays a crucial role. One of the services booming very fast is the data collection services. This data mining service helps in gathering relevant data which is hugely needed for your business or personal use.

Traditionally, data collection has been done manually which is not very feasible in case of bulk data requirement. Although people still use manual copying and pasting of data from Web pages or download a complete Web site which is shear wastage of time and effort. Instead, a more reliable and convenient method is automated data collection technique. There is a web scraping techniques that crawls through thousands of web pages for the specified topic and simultaneously incorporates this information into a database, XML file, CSV file, or other custom format for future reference. Few of the most commonly used web data extraction processes are websites which provide you information about the competitor's pricing and featured data; spider is a government portal that helps in extracting the names of citizens for an investigation; websites which have variety of downloadable images.

Aside, there is a more sophisticated method of automated data collection service. Here, you can easily scrape the web site information on daily basis automatically. This method greatly helps you in discovering the latest market trends, customer behavior and the future trends. Few of the major examples of automated data collection solutions are price monitoring information; collection of data of various financial institutions on a daily basis; verification of different reports on a constant basis and use them for taking better and progressive business decisions.

While using these service make sure you use the right procedure. Like when you are retrieving data download it in a spreadsheet so that the analysts can do the comparison and analysis properly. This will also help in getting accurate results in a faster and more refined manner.


Monday 24 June 2013

How Web Data Extraction Services Will Save Your Time and Money by Automatic Data Collection

Data scrape is the process of extracting data from web by using software program from proven website only. Extracted data any one can use for any purposes as per the desires in various industries as the web having every important data of the world. We provide best of the web data extracting software. We have the expertise and one of kind knowledge in web data extraction, image scrapping, screen scrapping, email extract services, data mining, web grabbing.

Who can use Data Scraping Services?

Data scraping and extraction services can be used by any organization, company, or any firm who would like to have a data from particular industry, data of targeted customer, particular company, or anything which is available on net like data of email id, website name, search term or anything which is available on web. Most of time a marketing company like to use data scraping and data extraction services to do marketing for a particular product in certain industry and to reach the targeted customer for example if X company like to contact a restaurant of California city, so our software can extract the data of restaurant of California city and a marketing company can use this data to market their restaurant kind of product. MLM and Network marketing company also use data extraction and data scrapping services to to find a new customer by extracting data of certain prospective customer and can contact customer by telephone, sending a postcard, email marketing, and this way they build their huge network and build large group for their own product and company.

We helped many companies to find particular data as per their need for example.

Web Data Extraction

Web pages are built using text-based mark-up languages (HTML and XHTML), and frequently contain a wealth of useful data in text form. However, most web pages are designed for human end-users and not for ease of automated use. Because of this, tool kits that scrape web content were created. A web scraper is an API to extract data from a web site. We help you to create a kind of API which helps you to scrape data as per your need. We provide quality and affordable web Data Extraction application

Data Collection

Normally, data transfer between programs is accomplished using info structures suited for automated processing by computers, not people. Such interchange formats and protocols are typically rigidly structured, well-documented, easily parsed, and keep ambiguity to a minimum. Very often, these transmissions are not human-readable at all. That's why the key element that distinguishes data scraping from regular parsing is that the output being scraped was intended for display to an end-user.

Email Extractor

A tool which helps you to extract the email ids from any reliable sources automatically that is called a email extractor. It basically services the function of collecting business contacts from various web pages, HTML files, text files or any other format without duplicates email ids.

Screen scrapping

Screen scraping referred to the practice of reading text information from a computer display terminal's screen and collecting visual data from a source, instead of parsing data as in web scraping.

Data Mining Services

Data Mining Services is the process of extracting patterns from information. Datamining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform the data into information. Any format including MS excels, CSV, HTML and many such formats according to your requirements.

Web spider

A Web spider is a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner or in an orderly fashion. Many sites, in particular search engines, use spidering as a means of providing up-to-date data.

Web Grabber

Web grabber is just a other name of the data scraping or data extraction.

Web Bot

Web Bot is software program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the Internet. Web bot software is the best program to pull out articles, blog, relevant website content and many such website related data We have worked with many clients for data extracting, data scrapping and data mining they are really happy with our services we provide very quality services and make your work data work very easy and automatic.


Friday 21 June 2013

Data Mining's Importance in Today's Corporate Industry

A large amount of information is collected normally in business, government departments and research & development organizations. They are typically stored in large information warehouses or bases. For data mining tasks suitable data has to be extracted, linked, cleaned and integrated with external sources. In other words, it is the retrieval of useful information from large masses of information, which is also presented in an analyzed form for specific decision-making.

Data mining is the automated analysis of large information sets to find patterns and trends that might otherwise go undiscovered. It is largely used in several applications such as understanding consumer research marketing, product analysis, demand and supply analysis, telecommunications and so on. Data Mining is based on mathematical algorithm and analytical skills to drive the desired results from the huge database collection.

It can be technically defined as the automated mining of hidden information from large databases for predictive analysis. Web mining requires the use of mathematical algorithms and statistical techniques integrated with software tools.

Data mining includes a number of different technical approaches, such as:

    Data Summarization
    Learning Classification Rules
    Finding Dependency Networks
    Analyzing Changes
    Detecting Anomalies

The software enables users to analyze large databases to provide solutions to business decision problems. Data mining is a technology and not a business solution like statistics. Thus the data mining software provides an idea about the customers that would be intrigued by the new product.

It is available in various forms like text, web, audio & video data mining, pictorial data mining, relational databases, and social networks. Data mining is thus also known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases since it involves searching for implicit information in large databases. The main kinds of data mining software are: clustering and segmentation software, statistical analysis software, text analysis, mining and information retrieval software and visualization software.

Data Mining therefore has arrived on the scene at the very appropriate time, helping these enterprises to achieve a number of complex tasks that would have taken up ages but for the advent of this marvelous new technology.


Wednesday 19 June 2013

Data Entry Services Make Sense For Your Business Prospects

A business venture is the realization of an entrepreneur's dream and a lot of sincere effort and resources go into making it a success. Many different sections of an organization need to work in tandem to arrive at a single goal which will take the business forward. Besides marketing, human resource, finance, accounts and administration there is also the division handling data entry that contributes towards the profits which a business makes. Now, a business has multiple transactions every day and a record needs to be made of every transaction in an accurate manner in order to have a fair idea of the organization's day to day working and the future prospects. Data entry is an essential aspect of any and every business but it is also a time consuming task that requires the necessary expertise, skills and patience to maintain the records accurately. The data entry services provided by third party vendors are therefore, a highly beneficial service for the organizations across the globe.

The data entry services include the task of documentation, processing, conversion and filing of the regular data of any organization. A dedicated staff is assigned by the vendor providing data entry service to a client in order to maintain each and every data entry of the organization. The specific entries enable the professionals to maintain the financial status of a company through accurate records. The decision makers of the company can have easy and instant access to any such data as and when they require so that they can formulate the business plans and strategy after analyzing the current market position of their business.

Data entry services offered by professionals also come in handy when the company is ready to file its taxes or is facing a company audit. When the records are in appropriate order and easily accessible, it forms a favorable impression of the company in the minds of the auditors, creditors, buyers and the general public. A company that fairly declares its financial standing gains reliability and trust and maintaining data accurately is crucial to this exercise. Due to the multiple benefits of this kind of service of maintaining your company data by a third party, more and more vendors are entering this industry to provide such convenience to company's across the globe.

Any data of a company is crucial to its financial standing and hence is highly confidential. Any financial information, if leaked out to the competitors, could cause irrevocable damage to an organization. Hence, the security and confidentiality provided by the vendor offering data entry services is of prime importance to the organization. You must; therefore, be careful in your selection of the vendor providing such services to your company. The yellow pages or the internet are a good source to locate a reliable and reputable vendor and you could also go by the reference of other companies who have opted for the service of a particular vendor. Once you have such a vendor providing easy, accurate, confidential and economic services for data entry, you can indeed make a positive difference to your organization as a whole.


Monday 17 June 2013

Data Extraction - A Guideline to Use Scrapping Tools Effectively

So many people around the world do not have much knowledge about these scrapping tools. In their views, mining means extracting resources from the earth. In these internet technology days, the new mined resource is data. There are so many data mining software tools are available in the internet to extract specific data from the web. Every company in the world has been dealing with tons of data, managing and converting this data into a useful form is a real hectic work for them. If this right information is not available at the right time a company will lose valuable time to making strategic decisions on this accurate information.

This type of situation will break opportunities in the present competitive market. However, in these situations, the data extraction and data mining tools will help you to take the strategic decisions in right time to reach your goals in this competitive business. There are so many advantages with these tools that you can store customer information in a sequential manner, you can know the operations of your competitors, and also you can figure out your company performance. And it is a critical job to every company to have this information at fingertips when they need this information.

To survive in this competitive business world, this data extraction and data mining are critical in operations of the company. There is a powerful tool called Website scraper used in online digital mining. With this toll, you can filter the data in internet and retrieves the information for specific needs. This scrapping tool is used in various fields and types are numerous. Research, surveillance, and the harvesting of direct marketing leads is just a few ways the website scraper assists professionals in the workplace.

Screen scrapping tool is another tool which useful to extract the data from the web. This is much helpful when you work on the internet to mine data to your local hard disks. It provides a graphical interface allowing you to designate Universal Resource Locator, data elements to be extracted, and scripting logic to traverse pages and work with mined data. You can use this tool as periodical intervals. By using this tool, you can download the database in internet to you spread sheets. The important one in scrapping tools is Data mining software, it will extract the large amount of information from the web, and it will compare that date into a useful format. This tool is used in various sectors of business, especially, for those who are creating leads, budget establishing seeing the competitors charges and analysis the trends in online. With this tool, the information is gathered and immediately uses for your business needs.

Another best scrapping tool is e mailing scrapping tool, this tool crawls the public email addresses from various web sites. You can easily from a large mailing list with this tool. You can use these mailing lists to promote your product through online and proposals sending an offer for related business and many more to do. With this toll, you can find the targeted customers towards your product or potential business parents. This will allows you to expand your business in the online market.

There are so many well established and esteemed organizations are providing these features free of cost as the trial offer to customers. If you want permanent services, you need to pay nominal fees. You can download these services from their valuable web sites also.


Friday 14 June 2013

Data Destruction Service

Data destruction is a term that refers to the removal or eradication of magnetic or optical computer storage media. The method of destruction varies, dependent upon the medium and method used in the process. The aim of data destruction is to physically destroy the data so as to remove the possibility of recovery.

Computer storage media requires some form of sanitization at the end of it's working life, particularly when it holds sensitive information that could inadvertently be read by third parties. This is extremely relevant to businesses and corporations, where data may contain information pertaining to the general public or third parties, such as clients. Similarly, confidential corporate information, including patent designs, business strategies and other sensitive data could easily be accessed by third parties if the data is not removed.

As I said at the outset, methods of destruction vary, depending upon storage medium. For each storage medium, a variety of destruction techniques also exist.

Optical media, such as cd roms, DVDs can be destroyed by granulating the plastics into 5mm chips. This method does not remove the data, but makes recovery near impossible. However, removal of the thin film that coats the top side of the disk, by scraping, scouring or sanding will physically destroy the data. By contrast, the use of microwave ovens, a less conventional technique, is highly effective due to the static charge and consequent arcing across the thin film storage layer of the disk.

Typical modern magnetic media constitutes tape backup units and Hard Disk drives. Unfortunately, tape backup units are very hard to destroy, due to the length of the tape, upon which a film of iron oxide layer retains the magnetic media. Shredding of such media is possible, but requires significant financial investment in plant capable of handling such devices. Acids, in particular, Nitric acid, at 50% concentration, will react violently with the iron oxide layer, destroying it completely within minutes. However, this process requires the removal of the outer plastic case to adequately expose the internal media storage tape. In some circumstances, incineration of the storage media may be an option. However, this may inadvertently expose the operator to carenogens and may be prohibited in certain countries.

The variety of Hard Disk drives available, method of connectivity (SATA, IDA, ATA, SCA, SCSI) means that data destruction software has had to be intelligent enough to differentiate between these different interfaces. Software driven destruction of hard drives is a highly efficient eradication technique that has been shrouded in urban myths, masking the true ease with which data can be permanently removed. In many instances, a single pass binary wipe (writing random zeros and ones to the drive) will permanently remove all data from the storage device. However, international standards exist, which all require more significant wiping processes, most of which will inadvertently result in complete failure of the hard drive due to the high temperatures generated.

Hard drive destruction may also be undertaken via other means, including the granulating of the drive to 5mm particulate level, use of a furnace to destroy and ultimately recover the Aluminium and use of corrosive materials such as Acids to remove the recording surfaces from the disk.

All the above methods are quantifiable, in that the destruction of the data can be confirmed, etheri via visual inspection of the drive storage device or by a software interface. However, the final data destruction technique, that known as degaussing, whereby a strong electromagnet is used to remove the magnetically stored data has no method of validation. It is for this reason that this has technique has been left until last. It is for this reason that the US government and military require the use of a deguasser that has been approved by the NSA.


Wednesday 12 June 2013

Amazon Price Scraping

Running a software company means that you have to be dynamic, creative, and most of all innovative. I strive every day to create unique and interesting new ways to do business online. Many of my clients sell their products on Amazon, Google Merchant Central,, Pricegrabber, NextTag, and other shopping sites.

Amazon is by far the most powerful, and so I focus much of my efforts on creating software specifically for their portal. I’ve created very lightweight programs that move data from CSV, XML, and other formats to Amazon AWS using the Amazon Inventory API. I’ve also created programs that push data from Magento directly to Amazon, and do this automatically, updating every few hours like clockwork. Some of my customers sell hundreds of thousands of products on Amazon due to this technology.

Doctrine ORM and Magento

I’m a strong believer in the power of Doctrine ORM in combination with Zend Framework, and I was an early adopter of this technology in production environments. More recently, I’ve been using Doctrine to generate models for Magento and then using these models in the development of advanced information scraping systems for price matching my client’s products against Amazon’s merchants. I prefer to use Doctrine because the documentation is awesome, the object model makes sense, and it is far easier to utilize outside of the Magento core.

What is price matching?
Price matching is when you take product data from your database and change it to just slightly below the lowest pricing available on Amazon, depending upon certain rules. The challenge here is that most products from distributors don’t have an ASIN (Amazon product id) number to check against. Here are the operations of my script to collect data about Amazon products:

    Loops through all SKUs in catalog_product_entity
    For each SKU, gets a name, asin, group, new/used price, url, manufacturer from Amazon
    If name, manufacturer, and asin exist it stores the entry in an array
    It loops through all the entries for each sku and it checks for _any_ of the following:
        Does full product name match?
        Does manufacture name match?
        Does the product group match?
        (break the product name into words) Do any words match?
        If any of the following are true, it will add the entry to the database
    If successful, it enters the data into attributes inside Magento:
    If the data already exists, or partial data exists it updates the data
    If the data is null or corrupt, it ignores it

Data Harvesting
As you can see from the above instructions, my system first imports all the data that’s possible. This process is called harvesting. After all the data is harvested, I utilize a feed exporter to create a CSV file specifically in the Amazon format and push it via Amazon AWS encrypted upload.

Feed Export (Price Matching to Amazon’s Lowest Possible Price)
The feed generator then adjusts the pricing according to certain rules:

    Product price is calculated against a “lowest market” percentage. This calculates the absolute lowest price the client is willing to offer
    “Amazon Lowest Price” is then checked against “Absolute Lowest Sale Price” (A.L.S.P.)
    If the “Amazon Lowest Price” is higher than the A.L.S.P, then it calculates 1 dollar lower than A.L.P. and stores that as the price in the feed for use in Amazon.
    The system updates the price in the our database and freezes the product from future imports, then it archives the original import price for reference.
    If an ASIN number exists it pushes the data to amazon using that, if not it uses MPN/ SKU or UPC

This type of system is wonderful because it accurately stores Amazon product data for later use, this way we can see trends in price changes. It insures that my client will always be the absolute lowest price for hundreds of thousands of products on Amazon (or Google/ PriceGrabber/ NextTag/ Bing). Whenever the system needs to update, it takes around 10 hours to harvest 100,000 products. It takes 5 minutes to export the entire data set to amazon using my feed software. This makes updating very easy and it can be accomplished in one evening. This is something that we can progressively enhance to protect against competitors throughout the market cycles, and it’s a system that is easy to upgrade in the event Magento changes it’s data model.

Since we utilize Doctrine, it’s all outside of Magento. So we can go ahead and upgrade Magento to a newer version any time we want. Then we just re-generate the database models and our system becomes compliant with any changes Magento made automatically. I’ll probably come back and do another article on just this topic, as it’s one I’m very interested in writing about.


Monday 10 June 2013

An Easy Way For Data Extraction

There are so many data scraping tools are available in internet. With these tools you can you download large amount of data without any stress. From the past decade, the internet revolution has made the entire world as an information center. You can obtain any type of information from the internet. However, if you want any particular information on one task, you need search more websites. If you are interested in download all the information from the websites, you need to copy the information and pate in your documents. It seems a little bit hectic work for everyone. With these scraping tools, you can save your time, money and it reduces manual work.

The Web data extraction tool will extract the data from the HTML pages of the different websites and compares the data. Every day, there are so many websites are hosting in internet. It is not possible to see all the websites in a single day. With these data mining tool, you are able to view all the web pages in internet. If you are using a wide range of applications, these scraping tools are very much useful to you.

The data extraction software tool is used to compare the structured data in internet. There are so many search engines in internet will help you to find a website on a particular issue. The data in different sites is appears in different styles. This scraping expert will help you to compare the date in different site and structures the data for records.

And the web crawler software tool is used to index the web pages in the internet; it will move the data from internet to your hard disk. With this work, you can browse the internet much faster when connected. And the important use of this tool is if you are trying to download the data from internet in off peak hours. It will take a lot of time to download. However, with this tool you can download any data from internet at fast rate.There is another tool for business person is called email extractor. With this toll, you can easily target the customers email addresses. You can send advertisement for your product to the targeted customers at any time. This the best tool to find the database of the customers.

However, there are some more scraping tolls are available in internet. And also some of esteemed websites are providing the information about these tools. You download these tools by paying a nominal amount.


Wednesday 5 June 2013

Backtesting & Data Mining


In this article we'll take a look at two related practices that are widely used by traders called Backtesting and Data Mining. These are techniques that are powerful and valuable if we use them correctly, however traders often misuse them. Therefore, we'll also explore two common pitfalls of these techniques, known as the multiple hypothesis problem and overfitting and how to overcome these pitfalls.


Backtesting is just the process of using historical data to test the performance of some trading strategy. Backtesting generally starts with a strategy that we would like to test, for instance buying GBP/USD when it crosses above the 20-day moving average and selling when it crosses below that average. Now we could test that strategy by watching what the market does going forward, but that would take a long time. This is why we use historical data that is already available.

"But wait, wait!" I hear you say. "Couldn't you cheat or at least be biased because you already know what happened in the past?" That's definitely a concern, so a valid backtest will be one in which we aren't familiar with the historical data. We can accomplish this by choosing random time periods or by choosing many different time periods in which to conduct the test.

Now I can hear another group of you saying, "But all that historical data just sitting there waiting to be analyzed is tempting isn't it? Maybe there are profound secrets in that data just waiting for geeks like us to discover it. Would it be so wrong for us to examine that historical data first, to analyze it and see if we can find patterns hidden within it?" This argument is also valid, but it leads us into an area fraught with danger...the world of Data Mining

Data Mining

Data Mining involves searching through data in order to locate patterns and find possible correlations between variables. In the example above involving the 20-day moving average strategy, we just came up with that particular indicator out of the blue, but suppose we had no idea what type of strategy we wanted to test? That's when data mining comes in handy. We could search through our historical data on GBP/USD to see how the price behaved after it crossed many different moving averages. We could check price movements against many other types of indicators as well and see which ones correspond to large price movements.

The subject of data mining can be controversial because as I discussed above it seems a bit like cheating or "looking ahead" in the data. Is data mining a valid scientific technique? On the one hand the scientific method says that we're supposed to make a hypothesis first and then test it against our data, but on the other hand it seems appropriate to do some "exploration" of the data first in order to suggest a hypothesis. So which is right? We can look at the steps in the Scientific Method for a clue to the source of the confusion. The process in general looks like this:

Observation (data) >>> Hypothesis >>> Prediction >>> Experiment (data)

Notice that we can deal with data during both the Observation and Experiment stages. So both views are right. We must use data in order to create a sensible hypothesis, but we also test that hypothesis using data. The trick is simply to make sure that the two sets of data are not the same! We must never test our hypothesis using the same set of data that we used to suggest our hypothesis. In other words, if you use data mining in order to come up with strategy ideas, make sure you use a different set of data to backtest those ideas.

Now we'll turn our attention to the main pitfalls of using data mining and backtesting incorrectly. The general problem is known as "over-optimization" and I prefer to break that problem down into two distinct types. These are the multiple hypothesis problem and overfitting. In a sense they are opposite ways of making the same error. The multiple hypothesis problem involves choosing many simple hypotheses while overfitting involves the creation of one very complex hypothesis.

The Multiple Hypothesis Problem

To see how this problem arises, let's go back to our example where we backtested the 20-day moving average strategy. Let's suppose that we backtest the strategy against ten years of historical market data and lo and behold guess what? The results are not very encouraging. However, being rough and tumble traders as we are, we decide not to give up so easily. What about a ten day moving average? That might work out a little better, so let's backtest it! We run another backtest and we find that the results still aren't stellar, but they're a bit better than the 20-day results. We decide to explore a little and run similar tests with 5-day and 30-day moving averages. Finally it occurs to us that we could actually just test every single moving average up to some point and see how they all perform. So we test the 2-day, 3-day, 4-day, and so on, all the way up to the 50-day moving average.

Now certainly some of these averages will perform poorly and others will perform fairly well, but there will have to be one of them which is the absolute best. For instance we may find that the 32-day moving average turned out to be the best performer during this particular ten year period. Does this mean that there is something special about the 32-day average and that we should be confident that it will perform well in the future? Unfortunately many traders assume this to be the case, and they just stop their analysis at this point, thinking that they've discovered something profound. They have fallen into the "Multiple Hypothesis Problem" pitfall.

The problem is that there is nothing at all unusual or significant about the fact that some average turned out to be the best. After all, we tested almost fifty of them against the same data, so we'd expect to find a few good performers, just by chance. It doesn't mean there's anything special about the particular moving average that "won" in this case. The problem arises because we tested multiple hypotheses until we found one that worked, instead of choosing a single hypothesis and testing it.

Here's a good classic analogy. We could come up with a single hypothesis such as "Scott is great at flipping heads on a coin." From that, we could create a prediction that says, "If the hypothesis is true, Scott will be able to flip 10 heads in a row." Then we can perform a simple experiment to test that hypothesis. If I can flip 10 heads in a row it actually doesn't prove the hypothesis. However if I can't accomplish this feat it definitely disproves the hypothesis. As we do repeated experiments which fail to disprove the hypothesis, then our confidence in its truth grows.

That's the right way to do it. However, what if we had come up with 1,000 hypotheses instead of just the one about me being a good coin flipper? We could make the same hypothesis about 1,000 different, Ed, Cindy, Bill, Sam, etc. Ok, now let's test our multiple hypotheses. We ask all 1000 people to flip a coin. There will probably be about 500 who flip heads. Everyone else can go home. Now we ask those 500 people to flip again, and this time about 250 will flip heads. On the third flip about 125 people flip heads, on the fourth about 63 people are left, and on the fifth flip there are about 32. These 32 people are all pretty amazing aren't they? They've all flipped five heads in a row! If we flip five more times and eliminate half the people each time on average, we will end up with 16, then 8, then 4, then 2 and finally one person left who has flipped ten heads in a row. It's Bill! Bill is a "fantabulous" flipper of coins! Or is he?

Well we really don't know, and that's the point. Bill may have won our contest out of pure chance, or he may very well be the best flipper of heads this side of the Andromeda galaxy. By the same token, we don't know if the 32-day moving average from our example above just performed well in our test by pure chance, or if there is really something special about it. But all we've done so far is to find a hypothesis, namely that the 32-day moving average strategy is profitable (or that Bill is a great coin flipper). We haven't actually tested that hypothesis yet.

So now that we understand that we haven't really discovered anything significant yet about the 32-day moving average or about Bill's ability to flip coins, the natural question to ask is what should we do next? As I mentioned above, many traders never realize that there is a next step required at all. Well, in the case of Bill you'd probably ask, "Aha, but can he flip ten heads in a row again?" In the case of the 32-day moving average, we'd want to test it again, but certainly not against the same data sample that we used to choose that hypothesis. We would choose another ten-year period and see if the strategy worked just as well. We could continue to do this experiment as many times as we wanted until our supply of new ten-year periods ran out. We refer to this as "out of sample testing", and it's the way to avoid this pitfall. There are various methods of such testing, one of which is "cross validation", but we won't get into that much detail here.


Overfitting is really a kind of reversal of the above problem. In the multiple hypothesis example above, we looked at many simple hypotheses and picked the one that performed best in the past. In overfitting we first look at the past and then construct a single complex hypothesis that fits well with what happened. For example if I look at the USD/JPY rate over the past 10 days, I might see that the daily closes did this:

up, up, down, up, up, up, down, down, down, up.

Got it? See the pattern? Yeah, neither do I actually. But if I wanted to use this data to suggest a hypothesis, I might come up with...

My amazing hypothesis:

If the closing price goes up twice in a row then down for one day, or if it goes down for three days in a row we should buy,

but if the closing price goes up three days in a row we should sell,

but if it goes up three days in a row and then down three days in a row we should buy.

Huh? Sounds like a whacky hypothesis right? But if we had used this strategy over the past 10 days, we would have been right on every single trade we made! The "overfitter" uses backtesting and data mining differently than the "multiple hypothesis makers" do. The "overfitter" doesn't come up with 400 different strategies to backtest. No way! The "overfitter" uses data mining tools to figure out just one strategy, no matter how complex, that would have had the best performance over the backtesting period. Will it work in the future?

Not likely, but we could always keep tweaking the model and testing the strategy in different samples (out of sample testing again) to see if our performance improves. When we stop getting performance improvements and the only thing that's rising is the complexity of our model, then we know we've crossed the line into overfitting.


Saturday 1 June 2013

How Web Data Extraction Services Will Save Your Time and Money by Automatic Data Collection

Data scrape is the process of extracting data from web by using software program from proven website only. Extracted data any one can use for any purposes as per the desires in various industries as the web having every important data of the world. We provide best of the web data extracting software. We have the expertise and one of kind knowledge in web data extraction, image scrapping, screen scrapping, email extract services, data mining, web grabbing.

Who can use Data Scraping Services?

Data scraping and extraction services can be used by any organization, company, or any firm who would like to have a data from particular industry, data of targeted customer, particular company, or anything which is available on net like data of email id, website name, search term or anything which is available on web. Most of time a marketing company like to use data scraping and data extraction services to do marketing for a particular product in certain industry and to reach the targeted customer for example if X company like to contact a restaurant of California city, so our software can extract the data of restaurant of California city and a marketing company can use this data to market their restaurant kind of product. MLM and Network marketing company also use data extraction and data scrapping services to to find a new customer by extracting data of certain prospective customer and can contact customer by telephone, sending a postcard, email marketing, and this way they build their huge network and build large group for their own product and company.

We helped many companies to find particular data as per their need for example.

Web Data Extraction

Web pages are built using text-based mark-up languages (HTML and XHTML), and frequently contain a wealth of useful data in text form. However, most web pages are designed for human end-users and not for ease of automated use. Because of this, tool kits that scrape web content were created. A web scraper is an API to extract data from a web site. We help you to create a kind of API which helps you to scrape data as per your need. We provide quality and affordable web Data Extraction application

Data Collection

Normally, data transfer between programs is accomplished using info structures suited for automated processing by computers, not people. Such interchange formats and protocols are typically rigidly structured, well-documented, easily parsed, and keep ambiguity to a minimum. Very often, these transmissions are not human-readable at all. That's why the key element that distinguishes data scraping from regular parsing is that the output being scraped was intended for display to an end-user.

Email Extractor

A tool which helps you to extract the email ids from any reliable sources automatically that is called a email extractor. It basically services the function of collecting business contacts from various web pages, HTML files, text files or any other format without duplicates email ids.

Screen scrapping

Screen scraping referred to the practice of reading text information from a computer display terminal's screen and collecting visual data from a source, instead of parsing data as in web scraping.

Data Mining Services

Data Mining Services is the process of extracting patterns from information. Datamining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform the data into information. Any format including MS excels, CSV, HTML and many such formats according to your requirements.

Web spider

A Web spider is a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner or in an orderly fashion. Many sites, in particular search engines, use spidering as a means of providing up-to-date data.

Web Grabber

Web grabber is just a other name of the data scraping or data extraction.

Web Bot

Web Bot is software program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the Internet. Web bot software is the best program to pull out articles, blog, relevant website content and many such website related data We have worked with many clients for data extracting, data scrapping and data mining they are really happy with our services we provide very quality services and make your work data work very easy and automatic.
