Tuesday 27 December 2016

Why Outsourcing Data Mining Services?

Why Outsourcing Data Mining Services?

Are huge volumes of raw data waiting to be converted into information that you can use? Your organization's hunt for valuable information ends with valuable data mining, which can help to bring more accuracy and clarity in decision making process.

Nowadays world is information hungry and with Internet offering flexible communication, there is remarkable flow of data. It is significant to make the data available in a readily workable format where it can be of great help to your business. Then filtered data is of considerable use to the organization and efficient this services to increase profits, smooth work flow and ameliorating overall risks.

Data mining is a process that engages sorting through vast amounts of data and seeking out the pertinent information. Most of the instance data mining is conducted by professional, business organizations and financial analysts, although there are many growing fields that are finding the benefits of using in their business.

Data mining is helpful in every decision to make it quick and feasible. The information obtained by it is used for several applications for decision-making relating to direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, healthcare, scientific tests, telecommunications, financial services and utilities.

Data mining services include:

    Congregation data from websites into excel database
    Searching & collecting contact information from websites
    Using software to extract data from websites
    Extracting and summarizing stories from news sources
    Gathering information about competitors business

In this globalization era, handling your important data is becoming a headache for many business verticals. Then outsourcing is profitable option for your business. Since all projects are customized to suit the exact needs of the customer, huge savings in terms of time, money and infrastructure can be realized.

Advantages of Outsourcing Data Mining Services:

    Skilled and qualified technical staff who are proficient in English
    Improved technology scalability
    Advanced infrastructure resources
    Quick turnaround time
    Cost-effective prices
    Secure Network systems to ensure data safety
    Increased market coverage

Outsourcing will help you to focus on your core business operations and thus improve overall productivity. So data mining outsourcing is become wise choice for business. Outsourcing of this services helps businesses to manage their data effectively, which in turn enable them to achieve higher profits.

Source : http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Outsourcing-Data-Mining-Services?&id=3066061

Friday 16 December 2016

Know What the Truth Behind Data Mining Outsourcing Service

Know What the Truth Behind Data Mining Outsourcing Service

We came to that, what we call the information age where industries are like useful data needed for decision-making, the creation of products - among other essential uses for business. Information mining and converting them to useful information is a part of this trend that allows companies to reach their optimum potential. However, many companies that do not meet even one deal with data mining question because they are simply overwhelmed with other important tasks. This is where data mining outsourcing comes in.

There have been many definitions to introduced, but it can be simply explained as a process that involves sorting through large amounts of raw data to extract valuable information needed by industries and enterprises in various fields. In most cases this is done by professionals, professional organizations and financial analysts. He has seen considerable growth in the number of sectors or groups that enter my self.
There are a number of reasons why there is a rapid growth in data mining outsourcing service subscriptions. Some of them are presented below:

A wide range of services

Many companies are turning to information mining outsourcing, because they cover a wide range of services. These services include, but are not limited to data from web applications congregation database, collect contact information from different sites, extract data from websites using the software, the sort of stories from sources news, information and accumulate commercial competitors.

Many companies fall

Many industries benefit because it is fast and realistic. The information extracted by data mining service providers of outsourcing used in crucial decisions in the field of direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, health, scientific tests and other experimental work, telecommunications, financial services, and a whole lot more.

A lot of advantages

Subscribe data mining outsourcing services it's offers many benefits, as providers assures customers to render services to world standards. They strive to work with improved technologies, scalability, sophisticated infrastructure, resources, timeliness, cost, the system safer for the security of information and increased market coverage.

Outsourcing allows companies to focus their core business and can improve overall productivity. Not surprisingly, information mining outsourcing has been a first choice of many companies - to propel the business to higher profits.


Monday 12 December 2016

Data Extraction Services - A Helpful Hand For Large Organization

Data Extraction Services - A Helpful Hand For Large Organization

The data extraction is the way to extract and to structure data from not structured and semi-structured electronic documents, as found on the web and in various data warehouses. Data extraction is extremely useful for the huge organizations which deal with considerable amounts of data, daily, which must be transformed into significant information and be stored for the use this later on.

Your company with tons of data but it is difficult to control and convert the data into useful information. Without right information at the right time and based on half of accurate information, decision makers with a company waste time by making wrong strategic decisions. In high competing world of businesses, the essential statistics such as information customer, the operational figures of the competitor and the sales figures inter-members play a big role in the manufacture of the strategic decisions. It can help you to take strategic business decisions that can shape your business' goals..

Outsourcing companies provide custom made services to the client's requirements. A few of the areas where it can be used to generate better sales leads, extract and harvest product pricing data, capture financial data, acquire real estate data, conduct market research , survey and analysis, conduct product research and analysis and duplicate an online database..

The different types of Data Extraction Services:

    Database Extraction:
Reorganized data from multiple databases such as statistics about competitor's products, pricing and latest offers and customer opinion and reviews can be extracted and stored as per the requirement of company.

    Web Data Extraction:
Web Data Extraction is also known as data Extraction which is usually referred to the practice of extract or reading text data from a targeted website.

Businesses have now realized about the huge benefits they can get by outsourcing their services. Then outsourcing is profitable option for business. Since all projects are custom based to suit the exact needs of the customer, huge savings in terms of time, money and infrastructure are among the many advantages that outsourcing brings.

Advantages of Outsourcing Data Extraction Services:

    Improved technology scalability
    Skilled and qualified technical staff who are proficient in English
    Advanced infrastructure resources
    Quick turnaround time
    Cost-effective prices
    Secure Network systems to ensure data safety
    Increased market coverage

By outsourcing, you can definitely increase your competitive advantages. Outsourcing of services helps businesses to manage their data effectively, which in turn would enable them to experience an increase in profits.

Outsourcing Web Research offer complete Data Extraction Services and Solutions to quickly collective data and information from multiple Internet sources for your Business needs in a cost efficient manner. For more info please visit us at: http://www.webscrapingexpert.com/ or directly send your requirements at: info@webscrapingexpert.com


Wednesday 7 December 2016

Web Data Extraction

Web Data Extraction

The Internet as we know today is a repository of information that can be accessed across geographical societies. In just over two decades, the Web has moved from a university curiosity to a fundamental research, marketing and communications vehicle that impinges upon the everyday life of most people in all over the world. It is accessed by over 16% of the population of the world spanning over 233 countries.

As the amount of information on the Web grows, that information becomes ever harder to keep track of and use. Compounding the matter is this information is spread over billions of Web pages, each with its own independent structure and format. So how do you find the information you're looking for in a useful format - and do it quickly and easily without breaking the bank?

Search Isn't Enough

Search engines are a big help, but they can do only part of the work, and they are hard-pressed to keep up with daily changes. For all the power of Google and its kin, all that search engines can do is locate information and point to it. They go only two or three levels deep into a Web site to find information and then return URLs. Search Engines cannot retrieve information from deep-web, information that is available only after filling in some sort of registration form and logging, and store it in a desirable format. In order to save the information in a desirable format or a particular application, after using the search engine to locate data, you still have to do the following tasks to capture the information you need:

· Scan the content until you find the information.

· Mark the information (usually by highlighting with a mouse).

· Switch to another application (such as a spreadsheet, database or word processor).

· Paste the information into that application.

Its not all copy and paste

Consider the scenario of a company is looking to build up an email marketing list of over 100,000 thousand names and email addresses from a public group. It will take up over 28 man-hours if the person manages to copy and paste the Name and Email in 1 second, translating to over $500 in wages only, not to mention the other costs associated with it. Time involved in copying a record is directly proportion to the number of fields of data that has to copy/pasted.

Is there any Alternative to copy-paste?

A better solution, especially for companies that are aiming to exploit a broad swath of data about markets or competitors available on the Internet, lies with usage of custom Web harvesting software and tools.

Web harvesting software automatically extracts information from the Web and picks up where search engines leave off, doing the work the search engine can't. Extraction tools automate the reading, the copying and pasting necessary to collect information for further use. The software mimics the human interaction with the website and gathers data in a manner as if the website is being browsed. Web Harvesting software only navigate the website to locate, filter and copy the required data at much higher speeds that is humanly possible. Advanced software even able to browse the website and gather data silently without leaving the footprints of access.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Web-Data-Extraction&id=575212

Saturday 3 December 2016

An Easy Way For Data Extraction

An Easy Way For Data Extraction

There are so many data scraping tools are available in internet. With these tools you can you download large amount of data without any stress. From the past decade, the internet revolution has made the entire world as an information center. You can obtain any type of information from the internet. However, if you want any particular information on one task, you need search more websites. If you are interested in download all the information from the websites, you need to copy the information and pate in your documents. It seems a little bit hectic work for everyone. With these scraping tools, you can save your time, money and it reduces manual work.

The Web data extraction tool will extract the data from the HTML pages of the different websites and compares the data. Every day, there are so many websites are hosting in internet. It is not possible to see all the websites in a single day. With these data mining tool, you are able to view all the web pages in internet. If you are using a wide range of applications, these scraping tools are very much useful to you.

The data extraction software tool is used to compare the structured data in internet. There are so many search engines in internet will help you to find a website on a particular issue. The data in different sites is appears in different styles. This scraping expert will help you to compare the date in different site and structures the data for records.

And the web crawler software tool is used to index the web pages in the internet; it will move the data from internet to your hard disk. With this work, you can browse the internet much faster when connected. And the important use of this tool is if you are trying to download the data from internet in off peak hours. It will take a lot of time to download. However, with this tool you can download any data from internet at fast rate.There is another tool for business person is called email extractor. With this toll, you can easily target the customers email addresses. You can send advertisement for your product to the targeted customers at any time. This the best tool to find the database of the customers.

However, there are some more scraping tolls are available in internet. And also some of esteemed websites are providing the information about these tools. You download these tools by paying a nominal amount.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?An-Easy-Way-For-Data-Extraction&id=3517104

Friday 28 October 2016

Data Mining Process - Why Outsource Data Mining Service?

Data Mining Process - Why Outsource Data Mining Service?

Overview of Data Mining and Process:

Data mining is one of the unique techniques for investigating information to extract certain data patterns and decide to outcome of existing requirements. Data mining is widely use in client research, services analysis, market research and so on. It is totally based on mathematical algorithm and analytical skills to drive the desired results from the huge database collection.

Information mining is mostly used by financial analyzer, business and professional organization and also there are many growing area of business that are get maximum advantages of data extract with use of data warehouses in their small to large level of businesses.

Most of functionalities which are used in information collecting process define as under:

* Retrieving Data

* Analyzing Data

* Extracting Data

* Transforming Data

* Loading Data

* Managing Databases

Most of small, medium and large levels of businesses are collect huge amount of data or information for analysis and research to develop business. Such kind of large amount will help and makes it much important whenever information or data required.

Why Outsource Data Online Mining Service?

Outsourcing advantages of data mining services:
o Almost save 60% operating cost
o High quality analysis processes ensuring accuracy levels of almost 99.98%
o Guaranteed risk free outsourcing experience ensured by inflexible information security policies and practices
o Get your project done within a quick turnaround time
o You can measure highly skilled and expertise by taking benefits of Free Trial Program.
o Get the gathered information presented in a simple and easy to access format

Thus, data or information mining is very important part of the web research services and it is most useful process. By outsource data extraction and mining service; you can concentrate on your co relative business and growing fast as you desire.

Outsourcing web research is trusted and well known Internet Market research organization having years of experience in BPO (business process outsourcing) field.

If you want to more information about data mining services and related web research services, then contact us.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Data-Mining-Process---Why-Outsource-Data-Mining-Service?&id=3789102

Monday 17 October 2016

Web Scraping with Python: A Beginner’s Guide

Web Scraping with Python: A Beginner’s Guide

In the Big Data world, Web Scraping or Data extraction services are the primary requisites for Big Data Analytics. Pulling up data from the web has become almost inevitable for companies to stay in business. Next question that comes up is how to go about web scraping as a beginner.

Data can be extracted or scraped from a web source using a number of methods. Popular websites like Google, Facebook, or Twitter offer APIs to view and extract the available data in a structured manner.  This prevents the use of other methods that may not be preferred by the API provider. However, the demand to scrape a website arises when the information is not readily offered by the website. Python, an open source programming language is often used for Web Scraping due to its simple and rich ecosystem. It contains a library called “BeautifulSoup” which carries on this task. Let’s take a deeper look into web scraping using python.

Setting up a Python Environment:

To carry out web scraping using Python, you will first have to install the Python Environment, which enables to run code written in the python language. The libraries perform data scraping;

Beautiful Soup is a convenient-to-use python library. It is one of the finest tools for extracting information from a webpage. Professionals can scrape information from web pages in the form of tables, lists, or paragraphs. Urllib2 is another library that can be used in combination with the BeautifulSoup library for fetching the web pages. Filters can be added to extract specific information from web pages. Urllib2 is a Python module that can fetch URLs.


To install Python libraries on MAC OSX, users need to open a terminal win and type in the following commands, single command at a time:

sudoeasy_install pip

pip install BeautifulSoup4

pip install lxml

For Windows 7 & 8 users:

Windows 7 & 8 users need to ensure that the python environment gets installed first. Once, the environment is installed, open the command prompt and find the way to root C:/ directory and type in the following commands:

easy_install BeautifulSoup4


Once the libraries are installed, it is time to write data scraping code.

Running Python:

Data scraping must be done for a distinct objective such as to scrape current stock of a retail store. First, a web browser is required to navigate the website that contains this data. After identifying the table, right click anywhere on it and then select inspect element from the dropdown menu list. This will cause a window to pop-up on the bottom or side of your screen displaying the website’s html code. The rankings appear in a table. You might need to scan through the HTML data until you find the line of code that highlights the table on the webpage.

Python offers some other alternatives for HTML scraping apart from BeautifulSoup. They include:


 Web scraping converts unstructured data from HTML code into structured form such as tabular data in an Excel worksheet. Web scraping can be done in many ways ranging from the use of Google Docs to programming languages. For people who do not have any programming knowledge or technical competencies, it is possible to acquire web data by using web scraping services that provide ready to use data from websites of your preference.

HTML Tags:

To perform web scraping, users must have a sound knowledge of HTML tags. It might help a lot to know that HTML links are defined using anchor tag i.e. <a> tag, “<a href=“http://…”>The link needs to be here </a>”. An HTML list comprises <ul> (unordered) and <ol> (ordered) list. The item of list starts with <li>.

HTML tables are defined with<Table>, row as <tr> and columns are divided into data as <td>;

    <!DOCTYPE html> : A HTML document starts with a document type declaration
    The main part of the HTML document in unformatted, plain text is defined by <body> and </body> tags
    The headings in HTML are defined using the heading tags from <h1> to <h5>
    Paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag in HTML
    An entire HTML document is contained between <html> and </html>

Using BeautifulSoup in Scraping:

While scraping a webpage using BeautifulSoup, the main concern is to identify the final objective. For instance, if you would like to extract a list from webpage, a step wise approach is required:

    First and foremost step is to import the required libraries:

 #import the library used to query a website

import urllib2

#specify the url wiki = “https://”

#Query the website and return the html to the variable ‘page’

page = urllib2.urlopen(wiki)

#import the Beautiful soup functions to parse the data returned from the website

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

#Parse the html in the ‘page’ variable, and store it in Beautiful Soup format

soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

    Use function “prettify” to visualize nested structure of HTML page
    Working with Soup tags:

Soup<tag> is used for returning content between opening and closing tag including tag.


 Out[30]:<title>List of Presidents in India till 2010 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</title>

    soup.<tag>.string: Return string within given tag
    In [38]:soup.title.string
    Out[38]:u ‘List of Presidents in India and Brazil till 2010 in India – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia’
    Find all the links within page’s <a> tags: Tag a link using tag “<a>”. So, go with option soup.a and it should return the links available in the web page. Let’s do it.
    In [40]:soup.a

Out[40]:<a id=”top”></a>

    Find the right table:

As a table to pull up information about Presidents in India and Brazil till 2010 is being searched for, identifying the right table first is important. Here’s a command to scrape information enclosed in all table tags.

all_tables= soup.find_all(‘table’)

Identify the right table by using attribute “class” of table needs to filter the right table. Thereafter, inspect the class name by right clicking on the required table of web page as follows:

    Inspect element
    Copy the class name or find the class name of right table from the last command’s output.

 right_table=soup.find(‘table’, class_=’wikitable sortable plainrowheaders’)


That’s how we can identify the right table.

    Extract the information to DataFrame: There is a need to iterate through each row (tr) and then assign each element of tr (td) to a variable and add it to a list. Let’s analyse the Table’s HTML structure of the table. (extract information for table heading <th>)

To access value of each element, there is a need to use “find(text=True)” option with each element.  Finally, there is data in dataframe.

There are various other ways to scrape data using “BeautifulSoup” that reduce manual efforts to collect data from web pages. Code written in BeautifulSoup is considered to be more robust than the regular expressions. The web scraping method we discussed use “BeautifulSoup” and “urllib2” libraries in Python. That was a brief beginner’s guide to start using Python for web scraping.

Source: https://www.promptcloud.com/blog/web-scraping-python-guide

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Easy Web Scraping using PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser Library

Easy Web Scraping using PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser Library

Web scraping is only way to get data from website when  website don’t provide API to access it’s data. Web scraping involves following steps to get data:

    Make request to web page
    Parse/Extract data that you want to scrape from website.
    Store data for final output (excel, csv,mysql database etc).

Web scraping can be implemented in any language like PHP, Java, .Net, Python and any language that allows to make web request to get web page content (HTML text) in to variable. In this article I will show you how to use Simple HTML DOM PHP library to do web scraping using PHP.
PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

Simple HTML DOM is a PHP library to parse data from webpages, in short you can use this library to do web scraping using PHP and even store data to MySQL database.  Simple HTML DOM has following features:

    The parser library is written in PHP 5+
    It requires PHP 5+ to run
    Parser supports invalid HTML parsing.
    It allows to select html tags like Jquery way.
    Supports Xpath and CSS path based web extraction
    Provides both the way – Object oriented way and procedure way to write code

Scrape All Links

include "simple_html_dom.php";

//create object
$html=new simple_html_dom();

//load specific URL

// This will Find all links
foreach($html->find('a') as $element)
   echo $element->href . '<br>';


Scrape images

include "simple_html_dom.php";

//create object
$html=new simple_html_dom();

//load specific url

// This will Find all links
foreach($html->find('img') as $element)
   echo $element->src . '<br>';


This is just little idea how you can do web scraping using PHP.Keep in mind that Xpath can make your job simple and fast. You can find all methods available in SimpleHTMLDom documentation page.

Source: http://webdata-scraping.com/web-scraping-using-php-simple-html-dom-parser-library/

Thursday 15 September 2016

Powerful Web Scraping Software – Content Grabber Review

Powerful Web Scraping Software – Content Grabber Review

There are many web scraping software and cloud based web scraping services available in the market for extracting data from the websites. They vary widely in cost and features. In this article, I am going to introduce one such advanced web scraping tool “Content Grabber”, which is widely used and the best web scraping software in the market.

Content Grabber is used for web extraction, web scraping and web automation. It can extract content from complex websites and export it as structured data in a variety of formats like Excel Spreadsheets, XML, CSV and databases. Content Grabber can also extract data from highly dynamic websites. It can extract from AJAX-enabled websites, submit forms repeatedly to cover all possible input values, and manage website logins.

Content Grabber is designed to be reliable, scalable and customizable. It is specifically designed for users with a critical reliance on web scraping and web data extraction. It also enables you to make standalone web scraping agents which you can market and sell as your own royalty free web scraping software.

Applications of Content Grabber:

The following are the few applications of Content Grabber:

  •     Data aggregation – for example news aggregation.
  •     Competitive pricing and monitoring e.g. monitor dealers for price compliance.
  •     Financial and Market Research e.g. Make proactive buying and selling decisions by continuously receiving corporate operational data.
  •     Content Integration i.e. integration of data from various sources at one place.
  •     Business Directory Scraping – for example: yellow pages scraping, yelp scraping, superpages scraping etc.
  •     Extracting company data from yellow pages for scraping common data fields like Business Name, Address, Telephone, Fax, Email, Website and Category of Business.
  •     Extracting eBay auction data like: eBay Product Name, Store Information, Buy it Now prices, Product Price, List Price, Seller Price and many more.
  •     Extracting Amazon product data: Information such as Product title, cost, description, details, availability, shipping info, ASIN, rating, rank, etc can be extracted.

Content Grabber Features:

The following section highlights some of the key features of Content Grabber:

1. Point and Click Interface

The Content Grabber editor has an easy to use point and click interface that provides easy point and click configuration. One simply needs to click on web elements to configure website navigation and content capture.

2. Easy to Use

The Content Grabber point and click interface is so simple to use that it can easily be used by beginners and non-programmers. There is certain built in facilities that automatically detect and configure all commands. It will automatically create a list of links, lists of content, manage pagination, handle web pages, download or upload files and capture any action you perform on a web page. You can also manually configure the agent commands, so Content Grabber gives you both simplicity and control.

3. Reliable and Scalable

Content Grabber’s powerful features like testing and debugging, solid error handling and error recovery, allows agent to run in the most difficult scenarios. It easily handles and scrapes dynamic websites built with JavaScript and AJAX. Content Grabber’s Intelligent agents don’t break with most site structure changes. These features enable us to build reliable web scraping agents. There are various configurations and performance tuning options that makes Content Grabber scalable. You can build as many web scraping agents as you want with Content Grabber.

4. High Performance

Multi-threading is used to increase the performance in Content Grabber. Content Grabber uses optimized web browsers. It uses static browsers for static web pages and dynamic browsers for dynamic web pages. It has an ultra-fast HTML5 parser for ultra-fast web scraping. One can use many web browsers concurrently to boost performance.

5. Debugging, Logging and Error Handling

Content Grabber has robust support for debugging, error handling and logging. Using a debugger, you can test and debug the web scraping agents which helps you to build reliable and error free web scraping solutions because most of the issues are addressed at design time. Content Grabber allows agent logging with three detail levels: Log URLs, Log raw HTML, Log to database or file. Logs can be useful to identify problems that occurred during execution of a web scraping agent. Content Grabber supports automatic error handling and custom error handling through scripting. Error status reports can also be mailed to administrators.

6. Scripting

Content Grabber comes with a built in script editor with IntelliSense that one can use in case of some unusual requirements or to fine tune some process. Scripting can be used to control agent behaviour, content transformation, customize data export and delivery and to generate data inputs for agent.

7. Unlimited Web Scraping Agents

Content Grabber allows building an unlimited number of Self-Contained Web Scraping Agents. Self-Contained agents are a standalone executable that can be run independently, branded as your own and distributed royalty free. Content Grabber provides an easy to use and effective GUI to manage all the agents. One can view status and logs of all the agents or run and schedule the agents in one centralized location.

8. Automation

Require data on a schedule? Weekly? Everyday? Each hour? Content Grabber allows automating and publishing extracted data. Configure Content Grabber by telling what data you want once, and then schedule it to run automatically.

And much more

There are too many features that Content Grabber provides, but here are a few more that may be useful and interest you.

  •     Schedule agents
  •     Manage proxies
  •     Custom notification criteria and messages
  •     Email notifications
  •     Handle websites logins
  •     Capture Screenshots of web elements or entire web page or save as PDF.
  •     Capture hidden content on web page.
  •     Crawl entire website
  •     Input data from almost any data source.
  •     Auto scroll to load dynamic data
  •     Handle complex JAVASCRIPT and AJAX actions
  •     XPATH support
  •     Convert Images to Text
  •     CAPTCHA handling
  •     Extract data from non-HTML documents like PDF and Word Documents
  •     Multi-threading and multiple web browsers
  •     Run agent from command line.

The above features come with the Professional edition license. Content Grabber’s Premium edition license is available with the following extra features:

1. Visual Studio 2013 integration

One can integrate Content Grabber to Visual Studio and take advantages of extra powerful script editing, debugging, and unit testing.

2. Remove Content Grabber branding

One can remove Content Grabber branding from the Content Grabber agents and distribute the executable.

3. Custom Design Templates

One can customize the Content Grabber agent user interface design with custom HTML templates – e.g. add your own company branding.

4. Royalty free distribution

One can distribute the Content Grabber agent to anybody without paying royalty fees and can run agents from the command line anywhere.

5. Programming Interface

Programming interfaces like Desktop API, Web API and windows service for building and editing agents.

6. Custom Web Scraping Application Development:

Content Grabber provides API and Visual Studio Integration which developer can use to build custom web scraping applications. It provides full control of the user interface and export functionality. One can develop both Desktop as well as Web based custom web scraping applications using the Content Grabber programming interface. It is a great tool and provides opportunity for developers to build general web scraping applications and sell those to generate revenue.

Are you looking for web scraping services? Do you need any assistance related to Content Grabber? We can probably help you to achieve your scraping-based project goals. We would be more than happy to hear from you.

Source: http://webdata-scraping.com/powerful-web-scraping-software-content-grabber/

Tuesday 6 September 2016

How Web Scraping for Brand Monitoring is used in Retail Sector

How Web Scraping for Brand Monitoring is used in Retail Sector

Structured or unstructured, business data always plays an instrumental part in driving growth, development, and innovation for your dream venture. Irrespective of industrial sectors or verticals, big data, seems to be of paramount significance for every business or enterprise.

The unsurpassed popularity and increasing importance of big data gave birth to the concept of web scraping, thus enhancing growth opportunities for startups. Large or small, every business establishment will now achieve successful website monitoring and tracking.
How web scraping serves your branding need?

Web scraping helps in extracting unorganized data and ordering it into organized and manageable formats. So if your brand is being talked about in multiple ways (on social media, on expert forums, in comments etc.), you can set the scraping tool algorithm to fetch only data that contains reference about the brand. As an outcome, marketers and business owners around the brand can gauge brand sentiment and tweak their launch marketing campaign to enhance visibility.

Look around and you will discover numerous web scraping solutions ranging from manual to fully automated systems. From Reputation Tracking to Website monitoring, your web scraper can help create amazing insights from seemingly random bits of data (both in structured as well as unstructured format).
Using web scraping

The concept of web scraping revolutionizes the use of big data for business. With its availability across sectors, retailers are on cloud nine. Here’s how the retail market is utilizing the power of Web Scraping for brand monitoring.

Determining pricing strategy

The retail market is filled with competition. Whether it is products or pricing strategies, every retailer competes hard to stay ahead of the growth curve. Web scraping techniques will help you crawl price comparison sites’ pricing data, product descriptions, as well as images to receive data for comparison, affiliation, or analytics.

As a result, retailers will have the opportunity to trade their products at competitive prices, thus increasing profit margins by a whopping 10%.

Tracking online presence

Current trends in ecommerce herald the need for a strong online presence. Web scraping takes cue from this particular aspect, thus scraping reviews and profiles on websites. By providing you a crystal clear picture of product performance, customer behavior, and interactions, web scraping will help you achieve Online Brand Intelligence and monitoring.
Detection of fraudulent reviews

Present-day purchasers have this unique habit of referring to reviews, before finalizing their purchase decisions. Web scraping helps in the identification of opinion-spamming, thus figuring out fake reviews. It will further extend support in detecting, reviewing, streamlining, or blocking reviews, according to your business needs.
Online reputation management

Web data scraping helps in figuring out avenues to take your ORM objectives forward. With the help of the scraped data, you learn about both the impactful as well as vulnerable areas for online reputation management. You will have the web crawler identifying demographic opinions such as age group, gender, sentiments, and GEO location.

Social media analytics

Since social media happens to be one of the most crucial factors for retailers, it will be imperative to Scrape Social Media websites and extract data from Twitter. The web scraping technology will help you watch your brand in Social Media along with fetching Data for social media analytics. With social media channels such as Twitter monitoring services, you will strengthen your firm’s’ branding even more than before.
Advantages of BM

As a business, you might want to monitor your brand in social media to gain deep insights about your brand’s popularity and the current consumer behavior. Brand monitoring companies will watch your brand in social media and come up with crucial data for social media analytics. This process has immense benefits for your business, these are summarized over here –

Locate Infringers

Leading brands often face the challenge thrown by infringers. When brand monitoring companies keep a close look at products available in the market, there is less probability of a copyright infringement. The biggest infringement happens in the packaging, naming and presentation of products. With constant monitoring and legal support provided by the Trademark Law, businesses could remain protected from unethical competitors and illicit business practices.

Manage Consumer Reaction and Competitor’s Challenges

A good business keeps a check on the current consumer sentiment in the targeted demographic and positively manages the same in the interest of their brand. The feedback from your consumers could be affirmative or negative but if you have a hold on the social media channels, web platforms and forums, you, as a brand will be able to propagate trust at all times.

When competitor brands indulge in backbiting or false publicity about your brand, you can easily tame their negative comments by throwing in a positive image in front of your target audience. So, brand monitoring and its active implementation do help in positive image building and management for businesses.
Why Web scraping for BM?

Web scraping for brand monitoring gives you a second pair of eyes to look at your brand as a general consumer. Considering the flowing consumer sentiment in the market during a specific business season, you could correct or simply innovate better ways to mold the target audience in your brand’s favor. Through a systematic approach towards online brand intelligence and monitoring, future business strategies and possible brand responses could be designed, keeping your business actively prepared for both types of scenarios.

For effective web scraping, businesses extract data from Twitter that helps them understand ‘what’s trending’ in their business domain. They also come closer to reality in terms of brand perception, user interaction and brand visibility in the notions of their clientele. Web scraping professionals or companies scrape social media websites to gather relevant data related to your brand or your competitor’s that has the potential to affect your growth as a business. Management and organization of this data is done to extract out significant and reference building facts. Future strategy for your brand is designed by brand monitoring professionals keeping in mind the facts accumulated through web scraping. The data obtained through web scraping helps in –

Knowing the actual brand potential,
Expanding brand coverage,
Devising brand penetration,
Analyzing scope and possibilities for a brand and
Design thoughtful and insightful brand strategies.

In simple words, web scraping provides a business enough base of information that could be used to devise future plans and to make suggestive changes in the current business strategy.

Advantages of Web scraping for BM

Web scraping has made things seamless for businesses involved in managing their brands and active brand monitoring. There is no doubt, that web scraping for brand monitoring comes with immense benefits, some of these are –

Improved customer insight

When you have in hand and factual knowledge about your consumer base through social media channels, you are in a strong position to portray your positive image as a brand. With more realistic data on your hands, you could develop strategies more effectively and make realistic goals for your brand’s improvement. Social media insights also allows marketers to create highly targeted and custom marketing messages – thus leading to better likelihood of sales conversion.

Monitoring your Competition

Web scraping helps you realize where your brand stands in the market among the competition. The actual penetration of your brand in the targeted segment helps in getting a clear picture of your present business scenario. Through careful removal of competition in your concerned business category, you could strengthen your brand image.

Staying Informed

When your brand monitoring team is keeping track of all social media channels, it becomes easier for you to stay informed about latest comments about your business on sites like Facebook, Twitter and social forums etc. You could have deep knowledge about the consumer behavior related to your brand and your competitors on these web destinations.

Improved Consumer Satisfaction and Sales

Reputation tracking done through web scraping helps in generating planned response at times of crisis. It also mends the communication gap between consumer and the brand, hence improving the consumer satisfaction. This automatically translates into trust building and brand loyalty improving your brand’s sales.

To sign off

By granting opportunities to monitor your social media data, web scraping is undoubtedly helping retail businesses take a significant step towards perfect branding. If you are one of the key players in this sector, there’s reason for celebration ahead!

Source: https://www.promptcloud.com/blog/How-Web-Scraping-for-Brand-Monitoring-is-used-in-Retail-Sector

Monday 29 August 2016

How to use Social Media Scraping to be your Competitors’ Nightmare

How to use Social Media Scraping to be your Competitors’ Nightmare

Big data and competitive intelligence have been in the limelight for quite some time now. The almost magical power of big data to help a company make just the right decisions have been talked about a lot. When it comes to big data, the kind of benefits that a business can get totally depends upon the sources they acquire it from. Social media is one of the best sources from where you can get data that helps your business in a multitude of ways. Now that every business is deep rooted on the internet, social media data becomes all the more relevant and crucial. Here is how you can use data scraped from social media sites to get an edge in the competition.

Keeping watch on your competitors

Social media is the best place to watch your competitors’ activity and take counter initiatives to keep up or take over them. If you want to know what your competitors are up to, a social media scraping setup for scraping the posts that mention your competitors’ brand/product names can do the trick. This can also be used to learn a thing or two from their activities on social media so that you can take respective measures to stay ahead of them. For example, you could know if your competitor is running a special promotional offer at the moment and come up with something better than theirs to keep up. This can do wonders if you are in a highly competitive industry like Ecommerce where the competition is intense. If you are not using some help from web scraping technology to keep a close watch on your competitors, you could easily get left over in this fast-paced business scene.

Solving customer issues at the earliest

Customers are vocal about their experience with different products and services on social media sites these days. If you have a customer whose issue was left unsolved, there is a good chance that he/she will take it to the social media to vent the frustration. Watching out for such instances and giving them prompt support should be something you should do if you want to retain these customers and stop them from ruining your brand’s image. By scraping social media sites for posts that mention your product/service, you can easily find out if there are such grievances from customers. This can make sure to an extent that you don’t let unhappy customers stay that way, which eventually hurts your business in the long run. Customers can make or break your company, so using social media scraping to serve the customers better can help you succeed eventually.

Sentiment analysis

Social media data can play a good job at helping you understand user sentiments. With the help of social media scraping, a business can get the big picture about general perception of their brand by their users. This can go a long way since this level of feedback can help you fix unnoticed issues with your company and service quickly. By rectifying them, you can make your brand more appealing to the customers. Sentiment analysis will provide you with the opportunity to transform your business into how customers want it to be. Social media scraping is the one and only way to have access to this user sentiment data which can help you optimize your business for the customers.

Web crawling for social media data

When social media data possess so much value to businesses, it makes sense to look for efficient ways to gather and use this data. Manually scrolling through millions of tweets doesn’t make sense, this is why you should use social media scraping to aggregate the relevant data for your business. Besides, web scraping technologies make it possible to handle huge amounts of data with ease. Since the size of data is huge when it comes to business related requirements, web scraping is the only scalable solution worth considering. To make things even simpler, there are reliable web scraping solutions that offer social media scraping services for brand monitoring.

Bottom line

Since social media has become an integral part of online businesses, the data available on these sites possess immense value to companies in every industry. Social media scraping can be used for brand monitoring and gaining competitive intelligence that can be used to optimize your business model for maximum effectiveness. This will in turn make your company stand out from the competition and the added advantage of insights gained from social media data will help you to take over your competitors.

Source: https://www.promptcloud.com/blog/social-media-scraping-for-competitive-intelligence

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing in a Business Perspective

Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing in a Business Perspective

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence has become a very important activity in the business arena irrespective of the domain due to the fact that managers need to analyze comprehensively in order to face the challenges.

Data sourcing, data analysing, extracting the correct information for a given criteria, assessing the risks and finally supporting the decision making process are the main components of BI.

In a business perspective, core stakeholders need to be well aware of all the above stages and be crystal clear on expectations. The person, who is being assigned with the role of Business Analyst (BA) for the BI initiative either from the BI solution providers' side or the company itself, needs to take the full responsibility on assuring that all the above steps are correctly being carried out, in a way that it would ultimately give the business the expected leverage. The management, who will be the users of the BI solution, and the business stakeholders, need to communicate with the BA correctly and elaborately on their expectations and help him throughout the process.

Data sourcing is an initial yet crucial step that would have a direct impact on the system where extracting information from multiple sources of data has to be carried out. The data may be on text documents such as memos, reports, email messages, and it may be on the formats such as photographs, images, sounds, and they can be on more computer oriented sources like databases, formatted tables, web pages and URL lists. The key to data sourcing is to obtain the information in electronic form. Therefore, typically scanners, digital cameras, database queries, web searches, computer file access etc, would play significant roles. In a business perspective, emphasis should be placed on the identification of the correct relevant data sources, the granularity of the data to be extracted, possibility of data being extracted from identified sources and the confirmation that only correct and accurate data is extracted and passed on to the data analysis stage of the BI process.

Business oriented stake holders guided by the BA need to put in lot of thought during the analyzing stage as well, which is the second phase. Synthesizing useful knowledge from collections of data should be done in an analytical way using the in-depth business knowledge whilst estimating current trends, integrating and summarizing disparate information, validating models of understanding, and predicting missing information or future trends. This process of data analysis is also called data mining or knowledge discovery. Probability theory, statistical analysis methods, operational research and artificial intelligence are the tools to be used within this stage. It is not expected that business oriented stake holders (including the BA) are experts of all the above theoretical concepts and application methodologies, but they need to be able to guide the relevant resources in order to achieve the ultimate expectations of BI, which they know best.

Identifying relevant criteria, conditions and parameters of report generation is solely based on business requirements, which need to be well communicated by the users and correctly captured by the BA. Ultimately, correct decision support will be facilitated through the BI initiative and it aims to provide warnings on important events, such as takeovers, market changes, and poor staff performance, so that preventative steps could be taken. It seeks to help analyze and make better business decisions, to improve sales or customer satisfaction or staff morale. It presents the information that manager's need, as and when they need it.

In a business sense, BI should go several steps forward bypassing the mere conventional reporting, which should explain "what has happened?" through baseline metrics. The value addition will be higher if it can produce descriptive metrics, which will explain "why has it happened?" and the value added to the business will be much higher if predictive metrics could be provided to explain "what will happen?" Therefore, when providing a BI solution, it is important to think in these additional value adding lines.

Data warehousing

In the context of BI, data warehousing (DW) is also a critical resource to be implemented to maximize the effectiveness of the BI process. BI and DW are two terminologies that go in line. It has come to a level where a true BI system is ineffective without a powerful DW, in order to understand the reality behind this statement, it's important to have an insight in to what DW really is.

A data warehouse is one large data store for the business in concern which has integrated, time variant, non volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process. It will mainly have transactional data which would facilitate effective querying, analyzing and report generation, which in turn would give the management the required level of information for the decision making.

The reasons to have BI together with DW

At this point, it should be made clear why a BI tool is more effective with a powerful DW. To query, analyze and generate worthy reports, the systems should have information available. Importantly, transactional information such as sales data, human resources data etc. are available normally in different applications of the enterprise, which would obviously be physically held in different databases. Therefore, data is not at one particular place, hence making it very difficult to generate intelligent information.

The level of reports expected today, are not merely independent for each department, but managers today want to analyze data and relationships across the enterprise so that their BI process is effective. Therefore, having data coming from all the sources to one location in the form of a data warehouse is crucial for the success of the BI initiative. In a business viewpoint, this message should be passed and sold to the managements of enterprises so that they understand the value of the investment. Once invested, its gains could be achieved over several years, in turn marking a high ROI.

Investment costs for a DW in the short term may look quite high, but it's important to re-iterate that the gains are much higher and it will span over many years to come. It also reduces future development cost since with the DW any requested report or view could be easily facilitated. However, it is important to find the right business sponsor for the project. He or she needs to communicate regularly with executives to ensure that they understand the value of what's being built. Business sponsors need to be decisive, take an enterprise-wide perspective and have the authority to enforce their decisions.


Implementation of a DW itself overlaps with some phases of the above explained BI process and it's important to note that in a process standpoint, DW falls in to the first few phases of the entire BI initiative. Gaining highly valuable information out of DW is the latter part of the BI process. This can be done in many ways. DW can be used as the data repository of application servers that run decision support systems, management Information Systems, Expert systems etc., through them, intelligent information could be achieved.

But one of the latest strategies is to build cubes out of the DW and allow users to analyze data in multiple dimensions, and also provide with powerful analytical supporting such as drill down information in to granular levels. Cube is a concept that is different to the traditional relational 2-dimensional tabular view, and it has multiple dimensions, allowing a manager to analyze data based on multiple factors, and not just two factors. On the other hand, it allows the user to select whatever the dimension he wish to choose for analyzing purposes and not be limited by one fixed view of data, which is called as slice & dice in DW terminology.

BI for a serious enterprise is not just a phase of a computerization process, but it is one of the major strategies behind the entire organizational drivers. Therefore management should sit down and build up a BI strategy for the company and identify the information they require in each business direction within the enterprise. Given this, BA needs to analyze the organizational data sources in order to build up the most effective DW which would help the strategized BI process.

High level Ideas on Implementation

At the heart of the data warehousing process is the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process. Implementation of this merely is a technical concern but it's a business concern to make sure it is designed in such a way that it ultimately helps to satisfy the business requirements. This process is responsible for connecting to and extracting data from one or more transactional systems (source systems), transforming it according to the business rules defined through the business objectives, and loading it into the all important data model. It is at this point where data quality should be gained. Of the many responsibilities of the data warehouse, the ETL process represents a significant portion of all the moving parts of the warehousing process.

Creation of a powerful DW depends on the correctness of data modeling, which is the responsibility of the database architect of the project, but BA needs to play a pivotal role providing him with correct data sources, data requirements and most importantly business dimensions. Business Dimensional modeling is a special method used for DW projects and this normally should be carried out by the BA and from there onwards technical experts should take up the work. Dimensions are perspectives specific to a business that could be used for analysis purposes. As an example, for a sales database, the dimensions could include Product, Time, Store, etc. Obviously these dimensions differ from one business to another and hence for each DW initiative those dimensions should be correctly identified and that could be very well done by a person who has experience in the DW domain and understands the business as well, making it apparent that DW BA is the person responsible.

Each of the identified dimensions would be turned in to a dimension table at the implementation phase, and the objective of the above explained ETL process is to fill up these dimension tables, which in turn will be taken to the level of the DW after performing some more database activities based on a strong underlying data model. Implementation details are not important for a business stakeholder but being aware of high level process to this level is important so that they are also on the same pitch as that of the developers and can confirm that developers are actually doing what they are supposed to do and would ultimately deliver what they are supposed to deliver.

Security is also vital in this regard, since this entire effort deals with highly sensitive information and identification of access right to specific people to specific information should be correctly identified and captured at the requirements analysis stage.


There are so many advantages of BI system. More presentation of analytics directly to the customer or supply chain partner will be possible. Customer scores, customer campaigns and new product bundles can all be produced from analytic structures resulting in high customer retention and creation of unique products. More collaboration within information can be achieved from effective BI. Rather than middle managers getting great reports and making their own areas look good, information will be conveyed into other functions and rapidly shared to create collaborative decisions increasing the efficiency and accuracy. The return on human capital will be greatly increased.

Managers at all levels will save their time on data analysis, and hence saving money for the enterprise, as the time of managers is equal to money in a financial perspective. Since powerful BI would enable monitoring internal processes of the enterprises more closely and allow making them more efficient, the overall success of the organization would automatically grow. All these would help to derive a high ROI on BI together with a strong DW. It is a common experience to notice very high ROI figures on such implementations, and it is also important to note that there are many non-measurable gains whilst we consider most of the measurable gains for the ROI calculation. However, at a stage where it is intended to take the management buy-in for the BI initiative, it's important to convert all the non measurable gains in to monitory values as much as possible, for example, saving of managers time can be converted in to a monitory value using his compensation.

The author has knowledge in both Business and IT. Started career as a Software Engineer and moved to work in the business analysis area of a premier US based software company.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Business-Intelligence-and-Data-Warehousing-in-a-Business-Perspective&id=35640

Monday 8 August 2016

Difference between Data Mining and KDD

Difference between Data Mining and KDD

Data, in its raw form, is just a collection of things, where little information might be derived. Together with the development of information discovery methods(Data Mining and KDD), the value of the info is significantly improved.

Data mining is one among the steps of Knowledge Discovery in Databases(KDD) as can be shown by the image below.KDD is a multi-step process that encourages the conversion of data to useful information. Data mining is the pattern extraction phase of KDD. Data mining can take on several types, the option influenced by the desired outcomes.

Knowledge Discovery in Databases Steps
Data Selection

KDD isn’t prepared without human interaction. The choice of subset and the data set requires knowledge of the domain from which the data is to be taken. Removing non-related information elements from the dataset reduces the search space during the data mining phase of KDD. The sample size and structure are established during this point, if the dataset can be assessed employing a testing of the info.

Databases do contain incorrect or missing data. During the pre-processing phase, the information is cleaned. This warrants the removal of “outliers”, if appropriate; choosing approaches for handling missing data fields; accounting for time sequence information, and applicable normalization of data.

Within the transformation phase attempts to reduce the variety of data elements can be assessed while preserving the quality of the info. During this stage, information is organized, changed in one type to some other (i.e. changing nominal to numeric) and new or “derived” attributes are defined.
Data mining

Now the info is subjected to one or several data-mining methods such as regression, group, or clustering. The information mining part of KDD usually requires repeated iterative application of particular data mining methods. Different data-mining techniques or models can be used depending on the expected outcome.

The final step is documentation and interpretation of the outcomes from the previous steps. Steps during this period might consist of returning to a previous step up the KDD approach to help refine the acquired knowledge, or converting the knowledge in to a form clear for the user.In this stage the extracted data patterns are visualized for further reviews.

Data mining is a very crucial step of the KDD process.

For further reading aboud KDD and data mining ,please check this link.

Source: http://nocodewebscraping.com/difference-data-mining-kdd/

Thursday 4 August 2016

Invest in Data Extraction to Grow Your Business

Invest in Data Extraction to Grow Your Business

Automating your employees’ processes can help you increase productivity while keeping the cost of used resources at a minimum. This can help you focus your time and money in much needed areas of your company so that you can thrive in your industry. Data extraction can help you achieve automation by targeting online data sources (websites, blogs, forums, etc) for information and data that can be useful to your business. By using software rather than your employees, you can oftentimes get more accurate data and more thorough information that people may miss. The software can handle the volume that you need and will deliver the results that you desire to help your company.
See the Power of Data Extraction Online

To see all of the ways that data extraction tools and software can benefit your business, visit Connotate.com. There you can read about the features of the software, practical uses for businesses and also schedule a demo before you buy.

Source: http://www.connotate.com/invest-in-data-extraction-to-grow-your-business/

Saturday 30 July 2016

Best Alternative For Linkedin Data Scraping

Best Alternative For Linkedin Data Scraping

When I started my career in sales, one of the things that my VP of sales told me is that ” In sales, assumptions are the mother of all f**k ups “. I know the F word sounds a bit inappropriate, but that is the exact word he used. He was trying to convey the simple point that every prospect is different, so don’t guess, use data to come up with decisions.

I joined Datahut and we are working on a product that helps sales people. I thought I should discuss it with you guys and take your feedback.

Let me tell you how the idea evolved itself. At Datahut, we get to hear a lot of problems customers want to solve. Almost 30 percent of all the inbound leads ask us to help them with lead generation.

Most of them simply ask, “Can you scrape Linkedin for me”?

Every time, we politely refused.

But not anymore, we figured out a way to solve their problem without scraping Linkedin.

This should raise some questions in your mind.

1) What problem is he trying to solve?– Most of the time their sales team does not have the accurate data about the prospects. This leads to a total chaos. It will end up in a waste of both time and money by selling the leads that are not sales qualified.

2) Why do they need data specifically from Linkedin? – LinkedIn is the world’s largest business network. In his view, there is no better place to find leads for his business than Linkedin. It is right in a way.

3) Ok, then what is wrong in scraping Linkedin? – Scraping Linkedin is against its terms and it can lead to legal issues. Linkedin has an excellent anti-scraping mechanism which can make the scraping costly.

4) How severe is the problem? – The problem has a direct impact on the revenues as the productivity of the sales team is too low. Without enough sales, the company is a joke.

5) Is there a better way? – Of course yes. The people with profiles in LinkedIn are in other sites too. eg. Google plus, CrunchBase etc. If we can mine and correlate the data, we can generate leads with rich information. It will have better quality than scraping LinkedIn.

6) What to do when the machine intelligence fails? – We have to use human intelligence. Period!

Datahut is working on a platform that can help you get leads that match your ideal buyer persona. It will be a complete Business intelligence platform powered by machine and human intelligence for an efficient lead research & discovery.We named it Leadintel. We’ve also established some partnerships that help to enrich the data and saves the trouble of lawsuits.

We are opening our platform for beta users. You can request an invitation using the contact form. What do you think about this? What are your suggestions?

Thanks for reading this blog post. Datahut offers affordable data extraction services (DaaS) . If you need help with your web scraping projects let us know and we will be glad to help.


Tuesday 12 July 2016

Python 3 web-scraping examples with public data

Someone on the NICAR-L listserv asked for advice on the best Python libraries for web scraping. My advice below includes what I did for last spring’s Computational Journalism class, specifically, the Search-Script-Scrape project, which involved 101-web-scraping exercises in Python.

Best Python libraries for web scraping

For the remainder of this post, I assume you’re using Python 3.x, though the code examples will be virtually the same for 2.x. For my class last year, I had everyone install the Anaconda Python distribution, which comes with all the libraries needed to complete the Search-Script-Scrape exercises, including the ones mentioned specifically below:
The best package for general web requests, such as downloading a file or submitting a POST request to a form, is the simply-named requests library (“HTTP for Humans”).

Here’s an overly verbose example:

import requests
base_url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json'
my_params = {'address': '100 Broadway, New York, NY, U.S.A',
             'language': 'ca'}
response = requests.get(base_url, params = my_params)
results = response.json()['results']
x_geo = results[0]['geometry']['location']
print(x_geo['lng'], x_geo['lat'])
# -74.01110299999999 40.7079445

For the parsing of HTML and XML, Beautiful Soup 4 seems to be the most frequently recommended. I never got around to using it because it was malfunctioning on my particular installation of Anaconda on OS X.
But I’ve found lxml to be perfectly fine. I believe both lxml and bs4 have similar capabilities – you can even specify lxml to be the parser for bs4. I think bs4 might have a friendlier syntax, but again, I don’t know, as I’ve gotten by with lxml just fine:

import requests
from lxml import html
page = requests.get("http://www.example.com").text
doc = html.fromstring(page)
link = doc.cssselect("a")[0]
# More information...
# http://www.iana.org/domains/example

The standard urllib package also has a lot of useful utilities – I frequently use the methods from urllib.parse. Python 2 also has urllib but the methods are arranged differently.

Here’s an example of using the urljoin method to resolve the relative links on the California state data for high school test scores. The use of os.path.basename is simply for saving the each spreadsheet to your local hard drive:

from os.path import basename
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from lxml import html
import requests
base_url = 'http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/ai/'
page = requests.get(base_url).text
doc = html.fromstring(page)
hrefs = [a.attrib['href'] for a in doc.cssselect('a')]
xls_hrefs = [href for href in hrefs if 'xls' in href]
for href in xls_hrefs:
  print(href) # e.g. documents/sat02.xls
  url = urljoin(base_url, href)
  with open("/tmp/" + basename(url), 'wb') as f:
    print("Downloading", url)
    # Downloading http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/ai/documents/sat02.xls
    data = requests.get(url).content

And that’s about all you need for the majority of web-scraping work – at least the part that involves reading HTML and downloading files.
Examples of sites to scrape

The 101 scraping exercises didn’t go so great, as I didn’t give enough specifics about what the exact answers should be (e.g. round the numbers? Use complete sentences?) or even where the data files actually were – as it so happens, not everyone Googles things the same way I do. And I should’ve made them do it on a weekly basis, rather than waiting till the end of the quarter to try to cram them in before finals week.

The Github repo lists each exercise with the solution code, the relevant URL, and the number of lines in the solution code.

The exercises run the gamut of simple parsing of static HTML, to inspecting AJAX-heavy sites in which knowledge of the network panel is required to discover the JSON files to grab. In many of these exercises, the HTML-parsing is the trivial part – just a few lines to parse the HTML to dynamically find the URL for the zip or Excel file to download (via requests)…and then 40 to 50 lines of unzipping/reading/filtering to get the answer. That part is beyond what typically considered “web-scraping” and falls more into “data wrangling”.

I didn’t sort the exercises on the list by difficulty, and many of the solutions are not particulary great code. Sometimes I wrote the solution as if I were teaching it to a beginner. But other times I solved the problem using the style in the most randomly bizarre way relative to how I would normally solve it – hey, writing 100+ scrapers gets boring.

But here are a few representative exercises with some explanation:
1. Number of datasets currently listed on data.gov

I think data.gov actually has an API, but this script relies on finding the easiest tag to grab from the front page and extracting the text, i.e. the 186,569 from the text string, "186,569 datasets found". This is obviously not a very robust script, as it will break when data.gov is redesigned. But it serves as a quick and easy HTML-parsing example.
29. Number of days until Texas’s next scheduled execution

Texas’s death penalty site is probably one of the best places to practice web scraping, as the HTML is pretty straightforward on the main landing pages (there are several, for scheduled and past executions, and current inmate roster), which have enough interesting tabular data to collect. But you can make it more complex by traversing the links to collect inmate data, mugshots, and final words. This script just finds the first person on the scheduled list and does some math to print the number of days until the execution (I probably made the datetime handling more convoluted than it needs to be in the provided solution)
3. The number of people who visited a U.S. government website using Internet Explorer 6.0 in the last 90 days

The analytics.usa.gov site is a great place to practice AJAX-data scraping. It’s a very simple and robust site, but either you are aware of AJAX and know how to use the network panel (and in this case, locate ie.json, or you will have no clue how to scrape even a single number on this webpage. I think the difference between static HTML and AJAX sites is one of the tougher things to teach novices. But they pretty much have to learn the difference given how many of today’s websites use both static and dynamically-rendered pages.
6. From 2010 to 2013, the change in median cost of health, dental, and vision coverage for California city employees

There’s actually no HTML parsing if you assume the URLs for the data files can be hard coded. So besides the nominal use of the requests library, this ends up being a data-wrangling exercise: download two specific zip files, unzip them, read the CSV files, filter the dictionaries, then do some math.
90. The currently serving U.S. congressmember with the most Twitter followers

Another example with no HTML parsing, but probably the most complicated example. You have to download and parse Sunlight Foundation’s CSV of Congressmember data to get all the Twitter usernames. Then authenticate with Twitter’s API, then perform mulitple batch lookups to get the data for all 500+ of the Congressional Twitter usernames. Then join the sorted result with the actual Congressmember identity. I probably shouldn’t have assigned this one.
HTML is not necessary

I included no-HTML exercises because there are plenty of data programming exercises that don’t have to deal with the specific nitty-gritty of the Web, such as understanding HTTP and/or HTML. It’s not just that a lot of public data has moved to JSON (e.g. the FEC API) – but that much of the best public data is found in bulk CSV and database files. These files can be programmatically fetched with simple usage of the requests library.

It’s not that parsing HTML isn’t a whole boatload of fun – and being able to do so is a useful skill if you want to build websites. But I believe novices have more than enough to learn from in sorting/filtering dictionaries and lists without worrying about learning how a website works.

Besides analytics.usa.gov, the data.usajobs.gov API, which lists federal job openings, is a great one to explore, because its data structure is simple and the site is robust. Here’s a Python exercise with the USAJobs API; and here’s one in Bash.

There’s also the Google Maps geocoding API, which can be hit up for a bit before you run into rate limits, and you get the bonus of teaching geocoding concepts. The NYTimes API requires creating an account, but you not only get good APIs for some political data, but for content data (i.e. articles, bestselling books) that is interesting fodder for journalism-related analysis.

But if you want to scrape HTML, then the Texas death penalty pages are the way to go, because of the simplicity of the HTML and the numerous ways you can traverse the pages and collect interesting data points. Besides the previously mentioned Texas Python scraping exercise, here’s one for Florida’s list of executions. And here’s a Bash exercise that scrapes data from Texas, Florida, and California and does a simple demographic analysis.

If you want more interesting public datasets – most of which require only a minimal of HTML-parsing to fetch – check out the list I talked about in last week’s info session on Stanford’s Computational Journalism Lab.

Source URL :  http://blog.danwin.com/examples-of-web-scraping-in-python-3-x-for-data-journalists/

Monday 11 July 2016

Python 3 web-scraping examples with public data

Someone on the NICAR-L listserv asked for advice on the best Python libraries for web scraping. My advice below includes what I did for last spring’s Computational Journalism class, specifically, the Search-Script-Scrape project, which involved 101-web-scraping exercises in Python.

Best Python libraries for web scraping

For the remainder of this post, I assume you’re using Python 3.x, though the code examples will be virtually the same for 2.x. For my class last year, I had everyone install the Anaconda Python distribution, which comes with all the libraries needed to complete the Search-Script-Scrape exercises, including the ones mentioned specifically below:
The best package for general web requests, such as downloading a file or submitting a POST request to a form, is the simply-named requests library (“HTTP for Humans”).

Here’s an overly verbose example:

import requests
base_url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json'
my_params = {'address': '100 Broadway, New York, NY, U.S.A',
             'language': 'ca'}
response = requests.get(base_url, params = my_params)
results = response.json()['results']
x_geo = results[0]['geometry']['location']
print(x_geo['lng'], x_geo['lat'])
# -74.01110299999999 40.7079445

For the parsing of HTML and XML, Beautiful Soup 4 seems to be the most frequently recommended. I never got around to using it because it was malfunctioning on my particular installation of Anaconda on OS X.
But I’ve found lxml to be perfectly fine. I believe both lxml and bs4 have similar capabilities – you can even specify lxml to be the parser for bs4. I think bs4 might have a friendlier syntax, but again, I don’t know, as I’ve gotten by with lxml just fine:

import requests
from lxml import html
page = requests.get("http://www.example.com").text
doc = html.fromstring(page)
link = doc.cssselect("a")[0]
# More information...
# http://www.iana.org/domains/example

The standard urllib package also has a lot of useful utilities – I frequently use the methods from urllib.parse. Python 2 also has urllib but the methods are arranged differently.

Here’s an example of using the urljoin method to resolve the relative links on the California state data for high school test scores. The use of os.path.basename is simply for saving the each spreadsheet to your local hard drive:

from os.path import basename
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from lxml import html
import requests
base_url = 'http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/ai/'
page = requests.get(base_url).text
doc = html.fromstring(page)
hrefs = [a.attrib['href'] for a in doc.cssselect('a')]
xls_hrefs = [href for href in hrefs if 'xls' in href]
for href in xls_hrefs:
  print(href) # e.g. documents/sat02.xls
  url = urljoin(base_url, href)
  with open("/tmp/" + basename(url), 'wb') as f:
    print("Downloading", url)
    # Downloading http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/ai/documents/sat02.xls
    data = requests.get(url).content

And that’s about all you need for the majority of web-scraping work – at least the part that involves reading HTML and downloading files.
Examples of sites to scrape

The 101 scraping exercises didn’t go so great, as I didn’t give enough specifics about what the exact answers should be (e.g. round the numbers? Use complete sentences?) or even where the data files actually were – as it so happens, not everyone Googles things the same way I do. And I should’ve made them do it on a weekly basis, rather than waiting till the end of the quarter to try to cram them in before finals week.

The Github repo lists each exercise with the solution code, the relevant URL, and the number of lines in the solution code.

The exercises run the gamut of simple parsing of static HTML, to inspecting AJAX-heavy sites in which knowledge of the network panel is required to discover the JSON files to grab. In many of these exercises, the HTML-parsing is the trivial part – just a few lines to parse the HTML to dynamically find the URL for the zip or Excel file to download (via requests)…and then 40 to 50 lines of unzipping/reading/filtering to get the answer. That part is beyond what typically considered “web-scraping” and falls more into “data wrangling”.

I didn’t sort the exercises on the list by difficulty, and many of the solutions are not particulary great code. Sometimes I wrote the solution as if I were teaching it to a beginner. But other times I solved the problem using the style in the most randomly bizarre way relative to how I would normally solve it – hey, writing 100+ scrapers gets boring.

But here are a few representative exercises with some explanation:
1. Number of datasets currently listed on data.gov

I think data.gov actually has an API, but this script relies on finding the easiest tag to grab from the front page and extracting the text, i.e. the 186,569 from the text string, "186,569 datasets found". This is obviously not a very robust script, as it will break when data.gov is redesigned. But it serves as a quick and easy HTML-parsing example.
29. Number of days until Texas’s next scheduled execution

Texas’s death penalty site is probably one of the best places to practice web scraping, as the HTML is pretty straightforward on the main landing pages (there are several, for scheduled and past executions, and current inmate roster), which have enough interesting tabular data to collect. But you can make it more complex by traversing the links to collect inmate data, mugshots, and final words. This script just finds the first person on the scheduled list and does some math to print the number of days until the execution (I probably made the datetime handling more convoluted than it needs to be in the provided solution)
3. The number of people who visited a U.S. government website using Internet Explorer 6.0 in the last 90 days

The analytics.usa.gov site is a great place to practice AJAX-data scraping. It’s a very simple and robust site, but either you are aware of AJAX and know how to use the network panel (and in this case, locate ie.json, or you will have no clue how to scrape even a single number on this webpage. I think the difference between static HTML and AJAX sites is one of the tougher things to teach novices. But they pretty much have to learn the difference given how many of today’s websites use both static and dynamically-rendered pages.
6. From 2010 to 2013, the change in median cost of health, dental, and vision coverage for California city employees

There’s actually no HTML parsing if you assume the URLs for the data files can be hard coded. So besides the nominal use of the requests library, this ends up being a data-wrangling exercise: download two specific zip files, unzip them, read the CSV files, filter the dictionaries, then do some math.
90. The currently serving U.S. congressmember with the most Twitter followers

Another example with no HTML parsing, but probably the most complicated example. You have to download and parse Sunlight Foundation’s CSV of Congressmember data to get all the Twitter usernames. Then authenticate with Twitter’s API, then perform mulitple batch lookups to get the data for all 500+ of the Congressional Twitter usernames. Then join the sorted result with the actual Congressmember identity. I probably shouldn’t have assigned this one.
HTML is not necessary

I included no-HTML exercises because there are plenty of data programming exercises that don’t have to deal with the specific nitty-gritty of the Web, such as understanding HTTP and/or HTML. It’s not just that a lot of public data has moved to JSON (e.g. the FEC API) – but that much of the best public data is found in bulk CSV and database files. These files can be programmatically fetched with simple usage of the requests library.

It’s not that parsing HTML isn’t a whole boatload of fun – and being able to do so is a useful skill if you want to build websites. But I believe novices have more than enough to learn from in sorting/filtering dictionaries and lists without worrying about learning how a website works.

Besides analytics.usa.gov, the data.usajobs.gov API, which lists federal job openings, is a great one to explore, because its data structure is simple and the site is robust. Here’s a Python exercise with the USAJobs API; and here’s one in Bash.

There’s also the Google Maps geocoding API, which can be hit up for a bit before you run into rate limits, and you get the bonus of teaching geocoding concepts. The NYTimes API requires creating an account, but you not only get good APIs for some political data, but for content data (i.e. articles, bestselling books) that is interesting fodder for journalism-related analysis.

But if you want to scrape HTML, then the Texas death penalty pages are the way to go, because of the simplicity of the HTML and the numerous ways you can traverse the pages and collect interesting data points. Besides the previously mentioned Texas Python scraping exercise, here’s one for Florida’s list of executions. And here’s a Bash exercise that scrapes data from Texas, Florida, and California and does a simple demographic analysis.

If you want more interesting public datasets – most of which require only a minimal of HTML-parsing to fetch – check out the list I talked about in last week’s info session on Stanford’s Computational Journalism Lab.

Source URL :  http://blog.danwin.com/examples-of-web-scraping-in-python-3-x-for-data-journalists/

Saturday 9 July 2016

Web Data Scraping: Practical Uses

Whether in the form of media, text or data in diverse other formats—the internet serves to be a huge storehouse of the world’s information. While browsing for commercial or business needs alike, users are exposed to numerous web pages that contain data in just about every form. Even though access to such data is extremely critical for garnering success in the contemporary world, unfortunately most of it is not open. More often than not, business websites restrict the accessibility options to such data and do not allow visitors to save or display them for reuse on their local storage devices, or onto their own websites.  This is where web data extraction tools come in handy.

Read on for a closer look into some of the common areas of data scraping usage.

• Gathering of data from diverse sources for analysis: In case a business necessitates the collection and analysis of data specific to certain categories from multiple websites, then it helps refer to web data integration experts or those related to the field of data scraping linked with categories like industrial equipment, real estate, automobiles, marketing, business contacts, electronic gadgets and so forth.

• Collection of data in different formats: Different websites are known to publish information and structured data in different formats. So, it may not be possible for organizations to see all the required data a one place, at any given time. Data scrapers allow the extraction of information spanning across multiple pages under various sections, on to a single database or spreadsheet.  This makes it easy for users to analyze (or visualize) the data.

• Helps Research: Data is an important and integral part of all kinds of research – marketing, academic or scientific. A data scraper helps in gathering structured data with ease.

• Market analysis for businesses: Companies that cater to products or services connected to specific domains require comprehensive data of products and services that are of similar kind, and which have a tendency of appearing in the market on a daily basis.

Web scraping software solutions from reputed companies are successful in keeping a constant watch on this kind of data and allow users to get access required information from diverse sources – all at the click of a button.
Go for data extraction to take your business to the next levels of success – you will not be disappointed.

Source URL : http://www.3idatascraping.com/web-data-scraping-practical-uses.php

Thursday 7 July 2016

Data Scraping - What Are Hand-Scraped Hardwood Floors and What Are the Benefits?

If you love the look of hardwood flooring with lots of character, then you may want to check out hand-scraped hardwood flooring. Hand-scraped wood provides a warm vintage look, providing the floor instant character. These types of scraped hardwoods are suitable for living rooms, dining rooms, hallways and bedrooms. But what exactly is hand-scraped hardwood flooring?

Well, it is literally what you think it is. Hand-scraped hardwood flooring is created by hand using specialized wood working tools to make each board unique and giving an overall "old worn" appearance.

At Innovation Builders we offer solid wood floors finished on site with an actual hand-scraping technique followed by stain and sealer. Solid wood floors are installed by an expert team of technicians who work each board with skilled craftsman-like attention to detail. Following the scraping procedure the floor is stained by hand with a customer selected stain color, and then protected with multiple coats of sealing and finishing polyurethane. This finishing process of staining, sealing and coating the wood floors contributes to providing the look and durability of an old reclaimed wood floor, but with today's tough, urethane finishes.

There are many, many benefits to hand-scraped wood flooring. Overall, these floors are extremely durable and hard wearing, providing years of trouble-free use. These wood floors remain looking newer for longer because the texture that the process provides hides the typical dents, dings and scratches that other floors can't hide so easily. That's great news for households with kids, dogs, and cats.

These types of wood flooring have another unique advantage as well. When you do scratch these floors during their lifetime, the scratches are easily repaired. As long as the scratch isn't too deep you can make them practically disappear without ever having to hire a professional. It's simple to hide the scratch by using a color-matched stain marker or repair kit that is readily available through local flooring distributors. These features make hand-scraped hardwood flooring a lot more durable and hassle-free to maintain than other types of wood flooring.

The expert processes utilized in the creation of these floors provides a custom look of worn wood with deep color and subtle highlights. When the light hits the wood at different times during the day, it provides an understated but powerful effect of depth and beauty. They instantly offer your rooms a rustic look full of character, allowing your home to become a warm and inviting environment. The rustic look of this wood provides a texture, style and rustic appeal that cannot be matched by any other type of flooring.

Hand-Scraped Hardwood Flooring is a floor that says welcome and adds a touch of elegance to any home. If you are looking to buy a new home and you haven't had the opportunity to see or feel hand scraped hardwoods, stop in any of the model homes at Innovation Builders in Keller, North Richland Hills or Grand Prairie, Texas and check it out!

Source URL :   http://yellowpagesdatascraping.blogspot.in/2015/06/data-scraping-what-are-hand-scraped.html