Tuesday 25 April 2017

Understanding URL scraping

Understanding URL scraping

URL scraping is the process where you automatically extract and filter URLs of WebPages that have specific features. The features that you are looking for vary depending on your goal. For example, if you are looking for a site where you can place your comment and get back link juice, you should go for WebPages that allow dofollow comments.

Techniques for URL scraping

There are many techniques that you can use to get the URL that you are looking for. Some of these techniques include:

Copy pasting: this is where you visit a given site and check whether it has the features that you are looking for. For example, if you are interested in dofollow links, you should visit a number of sites and find out if they have your target links. You should then identify the ones that have the features that you are looking for and compile a list.

Text grepping: this is a technique that allows you to search plain text on websites that match a regular expression. Although, the technique was designed for Unix, you can also use it on other operating systems.

HTTP programming: here you retrieve the WebPages that have the features that you are looking for. You should then note the URL of the pages. To retrieve the pages you have to post HTTP requests using a remote server that uses socket programming.

HTML Parser: a HTML parser allows you to mine data by detecting a common template, script or code on a specific website or Webpage. To be able to detect the script or code you have to use one of the many programming languages: HTQL, Java, PHP, XQuery and Python. Once the data is extracted, it's translated and packaged in a way that you are able to easily understand it.

DOM parsing: This is a technique where you retrieve dynamic content that has been generated by client side scripts that execute in a web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or any other browsers.

URL scraping software: this is the easiest way of scraping URLs as all you need is high quality software that will do all the work for you. You should identify the features that you are interested in and then give command to the software. The software will go through all the sites on the internet and extract the URLs of the pages that have your target features.

We have plenty of information on CPV and Internet Marketing; therefore, if you are looking for URL Scraper tools for PPV you should highly consider visiting our website.


Monday 17 April 2017

Web Scraping: Top 15 Ways To Use It For Business.

Web Scraping: Top 15 Ways To Use It For Business.

Web Scraping also commonly known as Web Data extraction / Web Harvesting / Screen Scrapping is a technology which is loved by startups, small and big companies. In simple words it is actually an automation technique to extract the unorganized web data into manageable format, where the data is extracted by traversing each URL by the robot and then using REGEX, CSS, XPATH or some other technique to extract the desired information in choice of output format.

So, it's a process of collecting information automatically from the World Wide Web. Current web scraping solutions range from the ad-hoc, requiring human effort, to even fully automated systems that are able to convert entire web sites into structured information. Using Web Scraper you can build sitemaps that will navigate the site and extract the data. Using different type of selectors the Web Scraper will navigate the site and extract multiple types of data - text, tables, images, links and more.

Here are 20 ways to use web scraping in your business.

 1. Scrape products & price for comparison site – The site specific web crawling websites or the price comparison websites crawl the stores website prices, product description and images to get the data for analytic, affiliation or comparison.  It has also been proved that pricing optimization techniques can improve gross profit margins by almost 10%. Selling products at a competitive rate all the time is a really crucial aspect of e-commerce. Web crawling is also used by travel, e-commerce companies to extract prices from airlines’ websites in real time since a long time. By creating your custom scraping agent you can extract product feeds, images, price and other all associated details regarding the product from multiple sites and create your own data-ware house or price comparison site. For example trivago.com

2. Online presence can be tracked- That’s also an important aspect of web scraping where business profiles and reviews on the websites can be scrapped. This can be used to see the performance of the product, the user behavior and reaction. The web scraping could list and check thousands of the user profiles and the reviews which can be really useful for the business analytics.

3. Custom Analysis and curation- This one is basically for the new websites/ channels wherein the scrapped data can be helpful for the channels in knowing the viewer behavior. This is done with the goal of providing targeted news to the audience. Thus what you watch online gives the behavioral pattern to the website so they know their audience and offer what actually the audience like.

4. Online Reputation - In this world of digitalization companies are bullish about the spent on the online reputation management. Thus the web scrapping is essential here as well. When you plan your ORM strategy the scrapped data helps you to understand which audiences you most hope to impact and what areas of liability can most open your brand up to reputation damage. The web crawler could reveal opinion leaders, trending topics and demographic facts like gender, age group, GEO location, and sentiment in text. By understanding these areas of vulnerability, you can use them to your greatest advantage.

5. Detect fraudulent reviews - It has become a common practice for people to read online opinions and reviews for different purposes. Thus it’s important to figure out the Opinion Spamming: It refers to "illegal" activities example writing fake reviews on the portals. It is also called shilling, which tries to mislead readers. Thus the web scrapping can be helpful crawling the reviews and detecting which one to block, to be verified, or streamline the experience.

6. To provide better targeted ads to your customers- The scrapping not only gives you numbers but also the sentiments and behavioral analytic thus you know the audience types and the choice of ads they would want to see.

7. Business specific scrapping – Taking doctors for example: you can scrape health physicians or doctors from their clinic websites to provide a catalog of available doctors as per specialization and region or any other specification.
8. To gather public opinion- Monitor specific company pages from social networks to gather updates for what people are saying about certain companies and their products. Data collection is always useful for the product’s growth.
9. Search engine results for SEO tracking- By scraping organic search results you can quickly find out your SEO competitors for a particular search term. You can determine the title tags and the keywords they are targeting. Thus you get an idea of which keywords are driving traffic to a website, which content categories are attracting links and user engagement, what kind of resources will it take to rank your site.

10. Price competitiveness- It tracks the stock availability and prices of products in one of the most frequent ways and sends notifications whenever there is a change in competitors' prices or   in the market. In ecommerce, Retailers or marketplaces use web scraping not only to monitor their competitor prices but also to improve their product attributes.  To stay on top of their direct competitors, nowadays e-commerce sites have started closely monitoring their counterparts. For example, say Amazon would want to know how their products are performing against Flipkart or Walmart, and whether their product coverage is complete. Towards this end, they would want to crawl product catalogs from these two sites to find the gaps in their catalog. They’d also want to stay updated about whether they’re running any promotions on any of the products or categories. This helps in gaining actionable insights that can be implemented in their own pricing decisions. Apart from promotions, sites are also interested in finding out details such as shipping times, number of sellers, availability, similar products (recommendations) etc. for identical products.

11. Scrape leads- This is another important use for the sales driven organization wherein lead generation is done. Sales teams are always hungry for data and with the help of the web scrapping technique you can scrap leads from directories such as Yelp, Sulekha, Just Dial, Yellow Pages etc. and then contact them to make a sales introduction. To crapes complete information about the business profile, address, email, phone, products/services, working hours, Geo codes, etc. The data can be taken out in the desired format and can be used for lead generation, brand building or other purposes..
12. For events organization – You can scrape events from thousands of event websites in the US to create an application that consolidates all of the events together.

13. Job scraping sites : Job sites are also using scrapping to list all the data in one place. They scrape different company websites or jobs sites to create a central job board website and have a list of companies that are currently hiring to contact. There is also a method to use Google with LinkedIn to get lists of people by company which are geo-targeted by this data.  The only thing that was difficult was to extract from the professional social networking site is contact details,  although now they are readily available through other sources by writing scraping scripts methods to collate this data. For example naukri.com

14. Online reputation management : Do you know 50% of consumers read reviews before deciding to book a hotel. Now scrape review, ratings and comments from multiple websites to understand the customer sentiments and analyze with your favorite tool.

15. To build vertical specific search engines- This is new thing popular in the market but again for this a lot of data is needed hence web scrapping is done for as much public data as possible because this volume of data is practically impossible to gather.

Web scraping can be used to power up the following businesses like Social media monitoring Travel sites, Lead generation, E-commerce, Events listings, Price comparison, Finance, Reputation monitoring and the list is never ending
Each business has competition in the present world, so companies scrape their competitor information regularly to monitor the movements. In the era of big data, applications of web scraping is endless. Depending on your business, you can find a lot of area where web data can be of great use.  Web scraping is thus an art which is use to make data gathering automated and fast.


Monday 10 April 2017

What is Web Scraping Services ?

What is Web Scraping Services ?

Web scraping is essentially a service where an algorithm driven process fetches relevant data from the depths of the internet and stores it on a centralized location (think excel sheets) which can be analyzed to draw meaningful and strategic insight.

To put things into perspective, imagine the internet as a large tank cluttered with trillions of tons of data. Now, imagine instructing something as small as a spider to go and fetch all data relevant to your business. The spider works in accordance with the instructions and starts digging deep into the tank, fetching data with an objective orientation, requesting for data wherever it is protected by a keeper and being a small spider, it fetches data even from the most granular nook and corner of the tank. Now, this spider has a briefcase where it stores all collected data in a systematic manner and returns to you after its exploration into the deep internet tank. What you have now is perfectly the data you need in a perfectly understandable format. This is exactly what a web scraping service entails except the fact that it also promises working on those briefcase data and cleaning it up for redundancies and errors and presents it to you in the form of a well consumption-ready information format and not raw unprocessed data.

Now, there is a high possibility that you may be wondering how else can you utilize this data to extract the best RoI- Return on Investment.

Here's just a handful of the most popular beneficial uses of web scraping services-

Competition Analysis

The best part about having aggressive competitors is that you just by alert monitoring of their activities, you can outpace them by enhancing off of their big move. The industries are growing rapidly, only the informed are ahead of the race.

Data Cumulation

Web scraping ensures aggregating of all data in a centralized location. Say goodbye to the cumbersome process of collecting bits and pieces of raw data and spending the night trying to make sense out of it.

Supply-chain Monitoring

While decentralization is good, the boss needs to do what a boss does- hold the reins. Track your distributors who blatantly ignore your list prices and web miscreants who are out with a mission to destroy your brand. It’s time to take charge.

Pricing Strategy

Pricing is of the most crucial aspect in the product mix and your business model- you get only one chance to make it or break it. Stay ahead of the incumbents by monitoring their pricing strategy and make the final cut to stay ahead of time.

Delta Analytics

The top tip to stay ahead in the game is to keep all your senses open to receive any change. Stay updated about everything happening around your sphere of interest and stay ahead by planning and responding to prospective changes.

Market Understanding

Understand your market well. Web scraping as a service offers you the information you need to be abreast of the continuous evolution of your market, your competitors’ responses and the dynamic preferences of your customer.

Lead Generation

We all know that a customer is the sole reason for the existence of a product or business. Lead generation is the first step to acquiring a customer. The simple equation is that more the number of leads, higher is the aggregate conversion of customers. Web scraping as a service entails receiving and creating a relevant – relevant is the key word – relevant lead generation. It is always better to target someone who is interested or needs to avail the services or product you offer.

Data Enhancement

With web extraction services, you can extract more juice out of the data you have. The ready to consume format of information that web scraping services offer allows you to match it with other relevant data points to connect the dots and draw insights for the bigger picture.

Review Analysis

Continuous improvement is the key to building a successful brand and consumer feedback is of the prime sources that will let you know where you stand in terms of the goal – customer satisfaction. Web scraping services offer a segue to understanding your customers’ review and help you stay ahead of the game by improvising.

Financial Intelligence

In the dynamic industry of finance and ever-volatile investment industry, know what’s the best use of your money. After all, the whole drama is for the money. Web scraping services offer you the benefit of using alternative data to plan your finances much more efficiently.

Research Process

The information derived from a web scraping process is almost ready to be run through for a research and analysis function. Focus on the research instead of data collection and management.

Risk & Regulations Compliance

Understanding risk and evolving regulations is important to avoid any market or legal trap. Stay updated with the evolving dynamics of the regulatory framework and the possible risks that mean significantly for your business.

Botscraper ensures that all your web scraping process is done with utmost diligence and efficiency. We at Botscraper have a single aim -  your success and we know exactly what to deliver to ensure that.


Friday 7 April 2017


Web scraping services are provided by computer software which extracts the required facts from the website. Web scraping services mainly aims at converting unstructured data collected from the websites into structured data which can be stockpiled and scrutinized in a centralized databank. Therefore, web scraping services have a direct influence on the outcome of the reason as to why the data collected in necessary.
It is not very easy to scrap data from different websites due to the terms of service in place. So, the there are some legalities that have been improvised to protect altering the personal information on different websites. These ‘rules’ must be followed to the letter and to some extent have limited web scraping services.
Owing to the high demand for web scraping, various firms have been set up to provide the efficient and reliable guidelines on web scraping services so that the information acquired is correct and conforms to the security requirements. The firms have also improvised different software that makes web scraping services much easier.
Importance of web scraping services
Definitely, web scraping services have gone a long way in provision of very useful information to various organizations. But business companies are the ones that benefit more from web scraping services. Some of the benefits associated with web scraping services are:
Helps the firms to easily send notifications to their customers including price changes, promotions, introduction of a new product into the market. Etc.
It enables firms to compare their product prices with those of their competitors
It helps the meteorologists to monitor weather changes thus being able to focus weather conditions more efficiently
It also assists researchers with extensive information about peoples’ habits among many others.
It has also promoted e-commerce and e-banking services where the rates of stock exchange, banks’ interest rates, etc. are updated automatically on the customer’s catalog.
Advantages of web scraping services
The following are some of the advantages of using web scraping services
Automation of the data
Web scraping can retrieve both static and dynamic web pages
Page contents of various websites can be transformed
It allows formulation of vertical aggregation platforms thus even complicated data can still be extracted from different websites.
Web scraping programs recognize semantic annotation
All the required data can be retrieved from their websites
The data collected is accurate and reliable
Web scraping services mainly aims at collecting, storing and analyzing data. The data analysis is facilitated by various web scrapers that can extract any information and transform it into useful and easy forms to interpret.
Challenges facing web scraping
High volume of web scraping can cause regulatory damage to the pages
Scale of measure; the scales of the web scraper can differ with the units of measure of the source file thus making it somewhat hard for the interpretation of the data
Level of source complexity; if the information being extracted is very complicated, web scraping will also be paralyzed.
It is clear that besides web scraping providing useful data and information, it experiences a number of challenges. The good thing is that the web scraping services providers are always improvising techniques to ensure that the information gathered is accurate, timely, reliable and treated with the highest levels of confidentiality.

Article Source:-http://www.loginworks.com/blogs/web-scraping-blogs/191-web-scraping-services-importance-of-scraped-data/

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Use Data Cleansing Services to Eliminate Errors & Improve Organizational Data Quality

Businesses, organizations, companies and entrepreneurs are facing the brunt of concurrent dynamics and frequent economic

slowdowns. In such scenario their prime focus is to optimize their data for information, which ideally should results in enhanced

results of sales and marketing activities. The catch is that they know what to do, but are either not aware or are a bit skeptical

about doing what is the need of the hour seek assistance from outsourcing service provider.

Yes, Outsourcing data processing service providers are the saviors. They assist companies globally with, data cleansing or data

scrubbing or data enrichment services.

As an organization you would have left no stone unturned, in terms of time money and efforts, for processing your database, but

failed miserably to fetch that required “Information or Intelligence” out of it. This waste of time, money and efforts is due to the

reason that you are dealing with inaccurate data.

You might be from Banking and Finance, Telecom, Retail and Ecommerce, Insurance, or any other industry; by now you would

have certainly known that the quality of data is critical and tends to have direct impact on your organization. Investing in data

cleansing services from India, helps you with efficiently and accurately organize, format, modify, classify, replace, delete or

correct data fields.

Outsourced data cleansing service providers with help of data experts on board, are equipped to rectify any and every type of

data and make it more effective. Comping up with targeted sales and direct marketing campaigns is amongst some of the benefits

that data scrubbing provides. With reach more than search engines, these outsourced data cleansing service providers are adapt

at updating old data with latest information, do referential integrity checks, consolidate mailing lists to develop holistic data

pools in easily accessible ready to use formats.

These outsource data scrubbing service providers, in order to enrich your data, put at work specialized tools to carefully inspect

the flaws in your database. Several algorithm rules, and look up tables are tasked to rectify different errors. Finding out missing,

and populate them with missing zip codes, country telephone codes and fields alike is what these data processing service

providers do to enrich your organizational data.

How to find out what is the right time to outsource data cleansing?

Your organization is dependent on data that is collected from various resources, which leaves you with inconsistent data format,

useless for evaluation.
Your data is full of incomplete description fields and redundant records.
Your data needs additional details from external sources to meet completeness and quality parameters.
You really feel it is time to enhance the accuracy of your customer data bank.

What do these outsource data cleansing service providers do to help you?

Identifying and erasing redundant records
Correction of missing, invalid, irrelevant and inaccurate data fields and data sets
Data aggregation followed with data audit
Data cleansing clubbed with address data cleaning
Identifying and adding missing data fields such as telephone numbers, last names, postal codes, birth dates and much more
Multilayered quality checks to ensure information adherence to industry standards such as MPS, TBR, NSF, GAS etc.
Addition of images, attributes and product specifications by manufacturers
Tagging similar records accurately
Correlating and matching records across a wide plethora of fields
Consolidating various data sources followed with interlinking

Why to outsource data cleansing services to India?

Outsourcing data cleansing or data scrubbing services as you may say, to an experienced third party service providers in India,

assures you of high quality database, the most valued asset for any organization. You get a well-managed and well maintained

database, at low cost, processed with help of latest software and qualified data management professionals. So why would you

want to go ahead and invest in costly technology tools and infrastructure?

The progression starts with eliminated duplicated records, interlinking multiple data sources, data validated through multi

layered quality check process, omission of obsolete data, tagging similar records and all these ultimately resulting in 100%

accurate data for your organization. Upon getting help from data cleansing service providers, now you and your organization are

all set to make informed decisions for sales, marketing and support teams; in fact they also would have access to up to date data

for planning strategies.

Source: http://www.habiledata.com/blog/use-data-cleansing-services-to-eliminate-errors-and-improve-organizational-data-


Global Scraping Devices Market 2017 Medical Research, Clinical Review

The Market and Research study, titled Worldwide Scraping Devices Market 2017, presents critical information and factual data

about the Scraping Devices market globally, providing an overall statistical study of the Scraping Devices market on the basis of

market drivers, Scraping Devices Market limitations, and its future prospects. The prevalent global Scraping Devices trends and

opportunities are also taken into consideration in Scraping Devices industry study.

Global Scraping Devices Market 2017 report has Forecasted Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in % value for particular period

for Scraping Devices market, that will help user to take decision based on futuristic chart. Report also includes key players in

global Scraping Devices market. The Scraping Devices market size is estimated in terms of revenue (US$) and production volume

in this report. Whereas the Scraping Devices market key segments and the geographical distribution across the globe is also

deeply analyzed.

The research report gives an overview of global Scraping Devices industry on by analyzing various key segments of this Scraping

Devices market based on the product types, application, and end-use industries, Scraping Devices market scenario. The regional

distribution of the Scraping Devices market is across the globe are considered for this Scraping Devices industry analysis, the

result of which is utilized to estimate the performance of the global Scraping Devices market over the period from 2015 to

foretasted year.

All aspects of the Scraping Devices industry are quantitatively as well as qualitatively assessed to study the global as well as

regional Scraping Devices market comparatively. The basic information such as the definition of the Scraping Devices market,

prevalent Scraping Devices industry chain, and the government regulations pertaining to the Scraping Devices market are also

discussed in the report.

The product range of the Scraping Devices market is examined on the basis of their production chain, Scraping Devices pricing of

products, and the profit generated by them. Various regional markets for Scraping Devices are analyzed in this report and the

production volume and efficacy of the Scraping Devices industry across the world is also discussed.

Source: http://www.medgadget.com/2017/03/global-scraping-devices-market-2017-medical-research-clinical-review.html