Wednesday 24 April 2013


Why would I want to use this plugin?

ScrapeAZon serves a very specific requirement. It was primarily developed to enable an Amazon vendor to display customer reviews on a product page that is styled independently of other item and product information that is available by using the API.

If you don't want to insert an entire product entry into your site, you can use this plugin to simply incorporate customer reviews onto your existing product page.
What is an ASIN?

An ASIN is an product identification number. ScrapeAZon uses this identifier to download the correct customer reviews that are associated with a product. An ASIN can be assigned by or, in case of a book, the 10-character version of the ISBN.
Why do I need to sign up for an Amazon Affiliate account?

Amazon's API requires an affiliate account id in order to correctly process requests and download information about item lookups.
Why do I need to sign up for Amazon Product Advertising API?

Amazon's API requires an AWS Access Key ID and an AWS Secret Key in order to correctly process requests and download information about item lookups. You cannot obtain this information unless you sign up for an account.
Can I scrape reviews from sites other than Amazon?

This plugin currently only accesses reviews on Amazon.
Can I scrape reviews from Amazon's international sites?

Yes, as of version 1.0.7. Configure the shortcode's country parameter with the appropriate two-character country code to change the Amazon site. For example, to retrieve reviews for ISBN 0123456789 from Amazon UK, you could issue the following shortcode:

[scrapeazon asin="0123456789" country="UK"]

The country codes are as follows:

    AT: Austria (uses the German site)
    CA: Canada
    FR: France
    DE: Germany
    IT: Italy
    JP: Japan
    ES: Spain
    UK: United Kingdom
    US: United States (default)

You can also globally configure a country code on the ScrapeAZon Settings page instead of specifying one for each shortcode used on your site. If you globally configure a country code and specify a country code in your shortcode, the country code in the shortcode will take precedence.

Support for Amazon's China site is not currently available.
I'm getting weird PHP errors when ScrapeAZon attempts to retrieve a review. What's wrong?

Depending on your installation, your system might not support cURL, which is the default method of retrieval that ScrapeAZon uses. If your system does not support cURL, try selecting the checkbox on the ScrapeAZon settings page that configures the plugin to use file_get_contents instead.

As of ScrapeAZon version 1.0.8, the plugin will display messages on its Settings page that attempt to help you determine whether your system supports cURL, file_get_contents(), or neither of those features.
ScrapeAZon isn't displaying *anything* on my page. What's up with that?

Prior to version 1.0.7, if the AWS server returns an error from your API request, ScrapeAZon displays an HTML comment in your page's source code that includes an error message to assist you in troubleshooting. Some common reasons you might see an error are:

    Your AWS Access Key ID has not been set or is incorrect.
    Your AWS Secret Key has not been set or is incorrect.
    Your Associate ID has not been set or is incorrect.
    You have not allowed enough time for your keys or IDs to propagate at
    Your AWS Access Key ID and Secret Key are associated with an incorrect Product Advertising API account.
    Versions 1.0.6 and earlier: There are no product reviews associated with the ASIN you used.

As of version 1.0.7, any error messages that are returned by the Amazon Advertising API should be displayed in the shortcode output on your page.

If you know that reviews exist for the product you specified, ensure that the ASIN/ISBN-10 you provided in the shortcode is correct. Also, ensure that you are not viewing a previously cached version of your page that does not contain the shortcode.

It is also possible that you have configured ScrapeAZon to use a Web retrieval method that is not available in your environment. By default, ScrapeAZon attempts to use cURL. If cURL is not enabled in your environment, you can try to use file_get_contents() instead by selecting the checkbox on the Settings page. However, if neither cURL nor file_get_contents() is supported by your PHP installation, you will not be able to use ScrapeAZon.
The default iframe is really small. How do I change that?

There are two ways that you can style the scrapeazon-reviews frame: by editing your theme's stylesheet or by adding parameters to each shortcode.

To style the iframe in your theme's stylesheet, add a class named scrapeazon-reviews to your stylesheet, then add the width, height, border, and other parameters you want to style to that class. For example, copy and paste the following into your stylesheet to make the iframe a 540x540 pixel square with no border:

.scrapeazon-reviews { width: 540px; height: 540px; border: none; }

To style the iframe by using the shortcode, add width, height, and border as parameters to the shortcode. For example, to accomplish the same formatting as above in shortcode format, use the following shortcode:

[scrapeazon asin="" width="540" height="540" border="false"]

The border parameter currently only accepts a value of "false."
Can I get rid of that annoying disclaimer at the bottom of the iframe?

If you know how to edit your theme's CSS, you probably can. However, doing so is not recommended unless you already manually display the disclaimer on your site. As of this writing, Amazon Services requires the disclaimer as part of its Product Advertising API terms.
Can I at least style the disclaimer differently?

If you want to use a different font, font size, or otherwise style the disclaimer, add a class named scrape-api to your theme's CSS file and make the changes within that class. For example, if you'd like the disclaimer to be in 9-point Helvetica and 540 pixels wide, you could add the following class to your CSS:

.scrape-api { width: 540px; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 9pt; }



Delta Ray is experienced web scraping consultant and writes articles on Extract Amazon Website, Product Details Scraping, Amazon Product Scraping, Linkedin Email Scraping, Screen Scraping Services, Yelp Review Scraping and yellowpages data scraping etc.

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